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« Reply #1440 on: 07 February 2022, 19:45:12 » |
The Fall of AegisShutdown procedures for the anti-xeno organisation are continuing, despite Aegis's warnings that Azimuth has returned. Conrad Sterling reported on the situation for Vox Galactica: "We now know that the Alexandria megaship was targeted by a hostile force that could be Azimuth Biochemicals, the 200-year-old corporation which owned the Adamastor and Hesperus. In the face of this new evidence, Aegis leaders have petitioned for it to be reinstated." "Even while accounting for this new evidence, the Baumann Report has exposed a litany of organisational failures within Aegis. There is still a broad consensus among politicians that the organisation should have done more to repel the Thargoids." "Many senior military figures have switched focus to Aegis's controversial rival Salvation, despite his mysterious nature. As one Imperial Navy admiral succinctly put it: 'Salvation's methods have proved more effective in counteracting the Thargoid threat.'" "The issue of military staff defections also appears to have been resolved. Alliance, Federal and Imperial fleets have opened channels of secondment, allowing naval crews to voluntarily take positions aboard Salvation's vessels without resigning their commissions." "However, one of Aegis's requests has been authorised. There will be a public ceremony to posthumously award medals of honour to Captain Jacob Morales and the four thousand people who lost their lives aboard the Alexandria." Source: The Fall of Aegis
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« Reply #1441 on: 08 February 2022, 22:45:09 » |
Concerns Raised over Alliance-Sirius PactThe recent battle in the Reorte system has caused Sirius Corporation to question the terms of its partnership with the Alliance. The Alliance Tribune's political correspondent Vanya Driscoll reported: "When Sirius Corporation megaships arrived in four Allied systems, it's fair to assume they anticipated a degree of public resistance. But being directly attacked by the Reorte Mining Coalition clearly wasn't part of their risk assessment." "Li Yong-Rui has urgently sought assurances from the Alliance that such conflicts will not happen again. The megacorp's CEO claimed that he has a duty to protect his employees from aggression by their own clients." "In response, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon personally guaranteed that this unfortunate incident was a one-off, stressing that Sirius personnel have been welcomed in the Alioth, Arimpox and Di Jian systems. He added that the Alliance Defence Force is working closely with Admiral Nikolas Glass, the Sirius Navy's representative." "But others in the Assembly are now openly questioning the wisdom of the strategic defence pact. Although Councillor Nakato Kaine's opposition to Mahon is often viewed as predictable, more members now agree with her that many Allied factions will reject the assertion that Sirius Corporation is an ally to be trusted." Source: Concerns Raised over Alliance-Sirius Pact
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« Reply #1442 on: 09 February 2022, 19:45:09 » |
Arissa Rescued from Year-Long CaptivityEmperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has been found alive after being secretly imprisoned by the private military firm Darkwater Inc. The Imperial Herald published a special report on recent events: "The absence of the Emperor from public life for over a year has prompted much speculation. The Senate claimed that she was being kept safe from assassination attempts by the NMLA, and that they remained in contact with her." "In truth, she was being held captive by the NMLA's secret benefactors. This group of Imperial senators referred to themselves as the Lords of Restoration. They were revealed only after ACT recruited independent pilots to help decipher the terrorists' dark-comms network." "Chancellor Blaine immediately ordered the Imperial Guard into battle against Darkwater soldiers. A ship fleeing from the Summerland system was intercepted, aboard which was a cryogenic pod containing the Emperor herself. She was swiftly returned to Capitol, and is currently under the care of the Imperial Palace medical team." "The IISS has launched a security operation based on ACT's information. This reveals that groups within the Senate, Darkwater and Imperial Intelligence formed a long-running conspiracy to fund and empower the NMLA. Senators Alberto Gereon, Karl Nerva, Ursula Torquatus and several others have been placed under arrest." "ACT has stated that it will provide additional information soon." Source: Arissa Rescued from Year-Long Captivity
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« Reply #1443 on: 10 February 2022, 16:45:07 » |
Colonia Bridge Project Enters Final Phase*Pilots' Federation ALERT* Deliveries have been requested in the Alcor and Colonia systems to implement services to the Colonia Bridge starports. A press release from Brewer Corporation provided the details: "The fourth and final phase of our Colonia Bridge project will take place over the next four weeks. Our goal is to finish constructing the starports that were recently added to the route between the Colonia and Alcor systems." "For the first week, we require deliveries of Coffee, Emergency Power Cells, Geological Equipment and Liquid Oxygen to Macdonald Settlement in the Alcor system and Jaques Station in the Colonia system. If we receive sufficient commodities, we can add Universal Cartographics and Vista Genomics to all six stations." "Everyone at Brewer Corporation was impressed by the galactic community's dedication to improving the travel corridor to the Colonia region. For this week's initiative, contributing pilots have the opportunity to be rewarded with a generous number of credits. In subsequent weeks, we will be offering a variety of additional rewards." "Following feedback from our shareholders, we also plan to install beacons to recognise the major contributors to all phases of the Colonia Bridge project. The top ten contributors of every past and upcoming Colonia Bridge initiative will be listed on these beacons to immortalise the names of these pilots." The Colonia Bridge starports currently offer rearm, refuel and repair services as well as basic commodity trading. The second, third and fourth weeks of this phase will focus on adding further services. Source: Colonia Bridge Project Enters Final Phase
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« Reply #1444 on: 11 February 2022, 19:45:06 » |
New Thargoid Assaults in Three Systems*Pilots' Federation ALERT* The HIP 12314, Dan and Nauni systems have come under heavy attack by Thargoid vessels. Vox Galactica featured this report by freelance war correspondent Jade Sanderlyn: "The Thargoids have been unusually aggressive in recent months, as attested by the drifting wreckages of many independent ships. When Salvation repelled their forces from the Delphi, Maia and Merope systems in December, some believed it was only a matter of time before the aliens retaliated. It appears that time has come." "Although the Thargoid species is often viewed as territorial, on this occasion they have pushed further towards human space. Authorities in all three systems were unprepared for the incursions and have sent out a general call for assistance." "The superpowers are still in the process of forming their anti-xeno taskforces, and thus unable to help. Fortunately, despite Aegis being officially defunct, some of its support megaships have yet to be decommissioned. These have been staffed with emergency crews and rushed into service in all three systems." "As pilots race into combat once more, many must be wondering if the risks are now even greater. Have the Thargoids extended their reach into human space? Which systems might they strike at next? And is further escalation a price to be paid every time Salvation's superweapon is deployed?" Source: New Thargoid Assaults in Three Systems
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« Reply #1445 on: 14 February 2022, 21:45:41 » |
ACT Exposes the Lords of RestorationThe Affiliated Counter-Terrorism unit has unveiled a secret cabal of Imperial senators who masterminded the NMLA's terrorist activity. The information was obtained after ACT successfully penetrated the NMLA's dark-comms network. Captain Saskia Landau provided this summary to the media: "Senators Gereon, Jourdain, Nerva, Scordato and Torquatus were at the heart of a powerful conspiracy to permanently remove the position of Emperor. They called themselves the Lords of Restoration, based on their aim to restore executive power to the Senate." "The NMLA became their terroristic agents, weaponised to assassinate the Duvals and other obstacles. Its members were militarised at Darkwater training camps and provided with sophisticated equipment by corrupt Imperial Intelligence agents. But the Lords could never fully control the terrorist figurehead Theta Seven, whose attacks against non-Imperial starports were not part of their original plan." "Marlinism was also exploited as a political lever. The hope was that, compared to this democratic ideology, citizens would view a senator-led Empire as a moderate compromise once the Imperial Family was gone. While this led to the establishment of the Marlinist Colonies, the Lords' later attempts to influence those systems via puppet politicians did not succeed." "Following the assassinations of Prince Harold and other Duvals, the Lords abducted Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval in January 3307. She was kidnapped en route to a secure location, with Senator Nerva falsifying confirmation of her safe arrival. This allowed the Lords to engineer communications with the Senate via a virtual doppelganger, which were accepted as genuine since they were verified by Imperial Intelligence agents." ACT is working closely with Imperial security agencies to identify all those who collaborated with the Lords of Restoration. Source: ACT Exposes the Lords of Restoration
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« Reply #1446 on: 15 February 2022, 17:45:05 » |
Federation Divided by Hudson's ProposalPresident Zachary Hudson's intention to remove the limit on his term in office has caused a deep rift among congressmen and voters alike. Political correspondent Sofia Trevino analysed the situation in The Federal Times: "Ever since the 77th amendment to the Federal Accord was ratified in 2594, no president has remained in office for longer than eight years. This is why the Hudson Contravention, as Congress officially refers to it, has turned up the heat on the simmering political division within the Federation." "Members of the Cabinet and other leading Republicans have argued passionately that only Zachary Hudson has the experience and fortitude to guide the Federation through this eventful period in history. His supporters point to successes such as curtailing the secession crisis, ending the NMLA threat and introducing greater security via the Proactive Detection Bureau." "However, others insist that repealing this amendment could pave the way from democracy to dictatorship. Two former presidents – Antonia Madison and Jasmina Halsey – have publicly condemned the Hudson Contravention as unconstitutional and dangerous." "There are expectations that Shadow President Felicia Winters will move for a vote of no confidence. Political analysts suspect that after several controversial leadership decisions from Hudson last year, he would be unlikely to win over a majority in Congress." Source: Federation Divided by Hudson's Proposal
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« Reply #1447 on: 16 February 2022, 21:45:05 » |
Arissa Retakes the Imperial ThroneEmperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has attended a public ceremony following her year-long abduction by the Lords of Restoration. Her proclamation from Trasken Square, standing before millions of Capitol's citizens and flanked by legions of Imperial Guard, was broadcast across all channels: "To those who protected the Empire during my enforced absence, I offer my deepest gratitude. My trusted chancellor, senators and security agencies are to be commended." "To those who dared to attack Imperial citizens, who dared to impersonate me and mislead my people…who took the lives of my family. Know this: there will be no place to hide from my wrath." "And to all citizens who may fear these uncertain times, I vow that your Emperor will lead you into the glorious future that is ours by right." Subsequent messages from the Imperial Palace praised ACT and its supporters for their work in freeing Arissa and destroying the NMLA. Princess Aisling Duval was also thanked for her dedication to finding out the truth, although some newsfeeds have noted that Aisling would hold a strong claim on a vacated throne. Source: Arissa Retakes the Imperial Throne
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« Reply #1448 on: 17 February 2022, 17:45:06 » |
Additional Services Planned for Colonia Bridge*Pilots' Federation ALERT* Brewer Corporation has requested a new batch of deliveries to the Alcor and Colonia systems. The Colonia Bridge is comprised of 56 stationary megaships and six starports, providing facilities to travellers between the core systems and the Colonia region. However, the starports are still in a state of construction. The megacorp outlined its latest requirements in a press release: "Phase four of the Colonia Bridge project launched with a highly satisfactory first week. Shipments of coffee, emergency power cells, geological equipment and liquid oxygen arrived in sufficient numbers to ensure Universal Cartographics and Vista Genomics services were added to all six starports." "The goal of the second week is to continue assembling the stations' infrastructure, and install Pioneer Supplies, Crew Lounge and Search and Rescue services. To achieve this, performance enhancers, personal weapons and survival equipment are needed in large quantities." "Pilots are asked to provide these at Macdonald Settlement in the Alcor system and Jaques Station in the Colonia system. As well as guaranteeing generous reimbursements to all contributors, Brewer Corporation is pleased to offer warm, white cockpit lights as an additional token of gratitude." The third and fourth weeks of the project's final phase will focus on adding further services on the Colonia Bridge starports to accommodate all pilot professions. Source: Additional Services Planned for Colonia Bridge
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« Reply #1449 on: 17 February 2022, 17:45:06 » |
Empire Declares Reprisals Against Darkwater*Pilots' Federation ALERT* Darkwater Inc in the Summerland system has been declared a hostile military target for its role in abducting Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval. The private military firm, led by Colonel Ronan Brock, was secretly hired by the Lords of Restoration to train and equip the NMLA. Darkwater troops also kept the Emperor imprisoned in a concealed bunker for over a year. Once their involvement was revealed by ACT, Darkwater's forces regrouped around the megaship Pearl Mandate. Colonel Brock led an attempt to gain control of Summerland as a defensive measure but was unsuccessful. The mercenaries have now been branded as wanted criminals by the system authorities. The order to strike against Darkwater came directly from Emperor Arissa: "I call upon my loyal servants and all other warriors of honour to wipe out this nest of traitors. We remember the innocent victims of the NMLA by punishing those who enabled them." The Summerland Patron's Party will redeem combat bonds for destroyed Darkwater ships at the starport Henry O'Hare's Hangar. Although the Summerland system is typically permit locked, the Empire has arranged a total exemption for independent pilots for a three-week period. To guarantee that Darkwater is thoroughly eliminated, the Empire is offering a range of incentives to pilots. These include awarding the rank of Master in the Imperial Navy Auxiliary, discounts on Imperial ships and weapons in the Summerland system, and Imperial Hammer railguns for the ten pilots who achieve the most combat bonds. Source: Empire Declares Reprisals Against Darkwater
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« Reply #1450 on: 18 February 2022, 20:45:04 » |
Pilots Form Vanguard Against Thargoid Attacks*Pilots' Federation ALERT* Commanders are resisting Thargoid incursions in the Dan, HIP 12314 and Nauni systems. Although Aegis support vessels have been repurposed to offer support in all three systems, the organisation remains officially disbanded. It has fallen to individual pilots to defend the populations from swarms of Thargoid vessels. The Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy all intend to replace Aegis with their own anti-xeno taskforces, but these have yet to materialise. This was remarked upon by independent journalist Flint 'Firemaker' Lafosse: "We've got the Alliance trying to sell its own people to Sirius Corporation, the Empire somehow misplacing its own Emperor, and the Federation being torn to pieces by its crazy president… who's got time to worry about Thargoids? I'll tell you who: the civilians in the systems they're invading! Our so-called leaders are praying that Salvation will step in and save the day, but he could be an alien himself for all we know!" Commodore Morag Halloran, who serves as Salvation's military coordinator, was approached by Vox Galactica to comment on his strategy for combating the latest Thargoid activity: "Salvation is currently focused on further development of the anti-xeno superweapon. At present this is the most efficient use of his time and resources, rather than small-scale engagement. Rest assured that, before long, we shall take the fight to the Thargoids once more." Source: Pilots Form Vanguard Against Thargoid Attacks
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« Reply #1451 on: 21 February 2022, 17:45:05 » |
Further Omega Grid Secrets RevealedACT has released details about a plan by the Lords of Restoration to frame Hadrian Augustus Duval as the leader of the NMLA. The information was extracted from the NMLA's Omega Grid network and published by Captain Saskia Landau: "It was Senator Ursula Torquatus who devised a scheme to undermine the Imperial Family and turn citizens against them by 'exposing' a Duval as the NMLA mastermind. Hadrian Duval was seen as the logical choice since many viewed him as an extremist through his prior association with Nova Imperium, though Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval officially pardoned him in 3306." "The Lords of Restoration used a virtual doppelganger of the Emperor, indistinguishable from authentic transmissions, to convince the Senate that she was communicating from a safe location. A similar doppelganger was developed to replicate Hadrian and was used to send orders to NMLA allies such as the Landgrave of Mudhrid." "This is how they planted evidence, discovered in April 3307, that Hadrian had converted to Neo-Marlinism and was determined to wipe out all other Duvals. Yet, despite triggering an unsuccessful Federal attack in the Paresa system, the accusation was not verified or widely believed." "Months later, the Lords of Restoration tried to kill Hadrian and Lady Astrid before their son Hector could be born, fearing the continuation of the Duval dynasty. But other senators moved the family to a secure location, beyond the reach of their agents." Hadrian Duval has publicly thanked ACT for uncovering this information and officially absolving him of all suspicion in this matter. Source: Further Omega Grid Secrets Revealed
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« Reply #1452 on: 22 February 2022, 20:45:05 » |
Hudson Contravention Sparks Federal ProtestsPresident Zachary Hudson's proposal to remove the eight-year limit on his term of office has led to public unrest on many Federal worlds. Supporters of Shadow President Felicia Winters have taken the lead in protesting against the Hudson Contravention, which is currently being debated in Congress. The situation has been extensively covered by newsfeeds across the Federation: Federal Free Press: "As always, Felicia Winters is the only grown-up in the room. She has rightfully objected to the sitting president's attempt at throwing away the rulebook. Repealing the 77th amendment would be a fundamental blow to our millennia-old democracy." Sol Today: "What's the choice here? Retain Hudson for a few more years until things calm down, or hand power to Winters and watch the Federal government weaken and collapse under a weight the shadow president cannot possibly bear?" The Federal Times: "Moderate Republican voters are taking a dim view of the Hudson Contravention, primarily because it denies them the option to choose a new administration. Vice President Jerome Archer, Secretary of State Lana Berkovich and Grand Attorney Edwin Espinosa are the most likely presidential candidates, but none of them will be able to run for office in 3309 if Hudson gets his way." Source: Hudson Contravention Sparks Federal Protests
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« Reply #1453 on: 24 February 2022, 18:45:06 » |
Battle of Summerland Ends NMLA Threat*Pilots' Federation ALERT* The Empire has carried out reprisals against the rogue faction Darkwater Inc in the Summerland system. The private military firm had trained NMLA terrorists and held Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval captive, on the orders of a cabal of senators named the Lords of Restoration. Darkwater mustered an impressive armada, but these were no match for a combination of superpower forces and independent pilots. Colonel Ronan Brock, the mercenaries' leader, was killed during the fighting when he fled from the Onyx Storm megaship and was shot down by Imperial auxiliaries. Emperor Arissa praised all those who helped destroy Darkwater, and declared: "Let the Battle of Summerland mark the victorious end of our bitter war against both the NMLA and the traitors who sought to destabilise the Empire." ACT clarified that "Although there may always be Neo-Marlinist extremists, the large-scale threat of the NMLA has finally been nullified." All data obtained from the terrorists' Omega Grid network has now been shared with the relevant security agencies. With Darkwater eliminated, the Empire has installed a new controlling faction into the Summerland system. The Praetorian Vigil will report directly to the Emperor and govern in her name. The Summerland Patron's Party will redeem combat bonds and provide other rewards at the starport Henry O'Hare's Hangar. A permit exemption allowing all independent pilots to enter the Summerland system will remain active for the next two weeks. Source: Battle of Summerland Ends NMLA Threat
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« Reply #1454 on: 24 February 2022, 18:45:06 » |
Brewer Corp Augments Starport Services*Pilots' Federation ALERT* Further deliveries to Alcor and Colonia are required to add new facilities to the Colonia Bridge starports. The Colonia Bridge project is currently halfway through its final phase, which takes place over a four-week period. In the previous week, pilots supplied large quantities of performance enhancers, personal weapons and survival equipment. A press release from Brewer Corporation outlined the next stage: "Thanks to the hard work of many independent pilots, we have established a Pioneer Supplies outlet, a crew lounge and a search and rescue contact at the six starports along the travel corridor between the core systems and the Colonia region." "For week three, our aim is to continue constructing the stations by installing a material trader, concourse bar and mission contract services. These will rely on shipments of computer components, liquor and water purifiers." "For pilots who deliver these to Macdonald Settlement in the Alcor system and Jaques Station in the Colonia system, Brewer Corporation will be pleased to offer a White Engine Drive Colour and a White Carrier Drive Colour alongside payment in credits." Once this week's initiative concludes, week four will aim to complete the Colonia Bridge starports with a full range of services. Source: Brewer Corp Augments Starport Services