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« Reply #135 on: 23 April 2015, 10:45:08 »

Patreus and the Princess Share Food for Thought

Denton Patreus and Aisling Duval were spotted grabbing dinner in Capitol late last night at the very exclusive pop-up restaurant, Fodder. The Empire's favourite power couple appeared to have a good time, with the pair polishing off several bottles of Chateau De Aegaeon during the course of their three-hour meal.

Aisling looked stunning in a lace red dress with matching accessories. Senator Patreus was his usual dashing self, although he had chosen to go for a more casual unbuttoned look for his dinner date with the people's princess.

After dinner the pair are believed to have retired to the Senator's ship, the Imperial Freedom, which departed Capitol for Eotienses this morning. According to Capitol Space Control, Aisling was onboard the Imperial Freedom when it departed.

Source: Galnet News
Source: Patreus and the Princess Share Food for Thought
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« Reply #136 on: 23 April 2015, 10:45:08 »

Kui Hsien and Quivira Refuse Raise in Rates

Last week it was announced that Silver Universal PLC, the financial branch of the military corporate conglomerate led by Senator Patreus, would be raising interest rates on all outstanding loan agreements.

Following the news, several dozen independent systems reached out to Silver Universal PLC to ask to refinance their previously agreed loans. Silver Universal PLC was gracious enough to work with its debtors to come to new arrangements wherever possible. In some instances, new deals could not be made, but {Imperia} is confident that most of its clients will continue to honour their agreements, regardless of any short term difficulties they may currently be facing.

Unfortunately, not all debtors were willing to face up to their responsibilities. In particular, Kui Hsien and Quivira have refused to acknowledge Silver Universal PLC's legal right to increase its rates.

In protest, both systems have stopped all payments to Silver Universal PLC. A particularly dangerous gambit given the Senator's history when dealing with system's that refuses to pay their debts.

Source: Galnet News
Source: Kui Hsien and Quivira Refuse Raise in Rates
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« Reply #137 on: 23 April 2015, 15:45:04 »

Hudson has Medical Meeting in Mongan

The Shadow President's tour of the Federation continued this week with a visit to the Reyan BPS headquarters aboard Moisuc Station, Mongan.

Shadow President Hudson met with healthcare mogul and Reyan BPS CEO, Sam Reyan, to discuss ways in which Reyan BPS and the Federal government can come together to ensure a healthier future for all members of the Federation.

Subjects under discussion included a potential universal healthcare scheme, improved supply chains for frontier worlds and a number of undisclosed projects that would operate under the purview of the Federal Navy. The proposed deals could be worth trillions of credits to Reyan BPS, a corporation who has traditionally struggled to penetrate the ultra-lucrative congressional contracts market.

With so much corporate support beginning to stabilise behind Hudson, it's only a matter of time before the Shadow President finally makes his move to out Halsey from office.

Source: Galnet News
Source: Hudson has Medical Meeting in Mongan
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« Reply #138 on: 23 April 2015, 15:45:04 »

President Under Pressure to Punish Panem

Shadow President Hudson appeared before Congress earlier today to demand that President Halsey address the continued spread of Onionhead throughout Federal space.

Despite the implementation of aggressive Federal policies aimed at criminalising possession and distribution of Onionhead, recent reports suggest that Onionhead sales have gone up by as much as 800% in some regions.

With prohibition clearly failing, Congress is now calling on the President to once again act against the Onionhead plantations on Panem. So far, the President has been reluctant to launch another attack on Panem, citing the existence of Lucan Onionhead as proof that an all-out assault on the Onionhead fields will only result in driving the operation underground.

While the President is almost certainly correct in her assessment of the situation, that fact is unlikely to stop Shadow President Hudson from demanding she does everything in her power to shut down Panem's production once and for all.

Source: Galnet News
Source: President Under Pressure to Punish Panem
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« Reply #139 on: 23 April 2015, 15:45:04 »

Operation Tomahawk Aims to Rid Lave of CODE Threat

As the war in Lave continues between CODE and Cosmic State, reports have emerged to suggest that Cosmic State have chosen Adle's Armada as unlikely allies in what's being called Operation Tomahawk.

The accusation is that CODE are charging traders and others passers-by for "travel passes" in the Lave system, which are valid only for a set period, and will provide protection against CODE attacks.

These reports would seem to indicate that no visitor to Lave is safe unless a travel pass has been purchased from CODE. It is not clear at this stage what the Alliance reaction is to this policy, but it seems that as long as the funds aren't being channelled into the Lavian economy, they are unlikely to take a high view of this practice.

Galnet reached out to both CODE and Cosmic State for comment, and although no word has been received from CODE, Cosmic State asserted that CMDRs Silk and Kudach were heading Operation Tomahawk, aiming to free Lave, and now potentially Leesti also, from the perceived CODE threat.

Source: Galnet News
Source: Operation Tomahawk Aims to Rid Lave of CODE Threat
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« Reply #140 on: 23 April 2015, 20:45:04 »

Exphiay Entertains Shadow President

This evening marks the 153rd annual Exphiay Bankers' Ball. Shadow President Hudson will be in attendance, as will Frank Hall – CEO of Gallant Investment, Paul Wiggins – CEO of Wiggins Development Trust, and Patricia Spellman – Vice President of Sirius Finance.

The 1 million-credits-a-head dinner will see the Federation's rich and famous rub shoulders with some of the galaxy's most influential powerbrokers. One of the main topics of conversation is expected to revolve around fiscal responsibility in the face of the continued failing of the current Federal leadership.

Notable absences include President Halsey and Vice President Naylor, both of whom were reportedly not invited to the star-studded event. Further reports indicate that well-known liberal leaning corporations such as Better Green Developments, Roach Investment Banking, Worster Insurance, Lycan Moon Mining and Benton's Natural Remedies were also all deliberately blocked from attending.

Source: Galnet News
Source: Exphiay Entertains Shadow President
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« Reply #141 on: 23 April 2015, 20:45:04 »

The Low Cost of Lives

The office of Senator Arissa Lavigny-Duval issued a statement this morning to reveal what information had been collected by members of the Imperial Court loyal to the House of Duval.

"The Princess is extremely grateful for the support offered by her allies in these difficult times."

"As expected, the interrogation of the would-be-assassin failed to produce any useful information as to who ordered the attack. Fortunately the ex-assassin was persuaded to divulge the name of the organisation that tasked them with the attempt."

"Members of the Imperial Court were dispatched to investigate the matter in more detail, and thanks to work carried out by Count von Auerburg, Earl Rednam and Earl Khaelmin we now know where to concentrate our efforts on next."

"Have no fear loyal citizens. Even now the Princess is preparing to initiate the next stage of the investigation. The Princess will catch those responsible, and she will make them pay for their transgressions."

Source: Galnet News
Source: The Low Cost of Lives
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« Reply #142 on: 23 April 2015, 20:45:04 »

The Talons of Justice

During an exclusive interview with the popular Imperial politics programme, 'Question Everything', Senator Arissa Lavigny-Duval provided some new insight into the ongoing investigation into the attempted assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval.

"The fact that anyone would attack the Emperor, in his own palace, when for all intents and purposes he's already on his deathbed, is symptomatic of a very serious sickness within our society."

"Certain elements, criminal and otherwise, see the current situation as an opportunity to advance their own agendas. At a time when we should be standing together as one nation, one voice, instead we find ourselves fractured and alone."

"It doesn't need to be this way. Together we are stronger than those who wish to seek to tear us down. "

"As proof of that, information provided by Imperial citizens loyal to the ideals upon which our nation was founded has proven invaluable in the hunt for those who sought to strike against us. In particular, agents of the Imperial Court have uncovered two potential locations which may well hold the answers we seek."

"I call on any pilot who has ever dreamed of honouring the legacy of our great Empire. Assist me in teaching the Emperor's wayward sons exactly what it means to truly be a member of the greatest nation in the galaxy."

Following the interview, word arrived at GalNet that citizens wishing to work with the Princess's new investigative task force can sign up to do so at either of the following locations:

Xuesen Orbital in Nehet

Kowal Dock in Mictlan

Source: Galnet News
Source: The Talons of Justice
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« Reply #143 on: 24 April 2015, 11:45:10 »

East India Company Announces Galactic Silk Road

The East India Company, one of the larger pilots' federation members, recently announced a new initiative they are calling "the Galactic Silk Road". This is a public trade route available to all, and features seventeen of the most highly profitable stops in civilised space.

Although profitable trade routes are nothing new, the East India Company spokesperson in charge of the route, a CMDR Bunny, announced that the organisation will provide protection to those traders wanting to benefit, and has even gone as far as to say that arrangements have been made with the Federal Navy, Mercs of Mikunn, the Merchant Marines, and other factions, in order to patrol the route and protect traders.

The new route is named after the famous four thousand mile trade route across Earth's continents of Europe and Asia, first seen over three thousand years ago, where merchants made large profits trading silk cloth, while the wealth helped the emerging cultures along the route to prosper and develop.

The stations involved in the new trade scheme are:

Gentil Hub in Harm

Hiya Orbital in Arjung

Lichtenberg City in Scirth

Oren City in Kaliki

Austin Market in Bommatsuri

Weaver Port in Feng Tanga

Capek Orbital in HIP 9989

Houtman Dock in Popocassa

Wachmann Vision in Lileni

Goddard Dock in Xi Wang Mu

Henson Gateway in Dheneb

Giunta Gateway in HIP 7916

Gould Ring in HIP 8830

Harawi Enterprise in HIP 9753

Naddoddur Hub in HR 827

Fabian Term in Badbadzist

Kagawa Vision in Nidayiman

Source: Galnet News
Source: East India Company Announces Galactic Silk Road
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« Reply #144 on: 24 April 2015, 11:45:10 »

Imperial Law and Order: Investigation into Attack on Emperor Continues

Arissa Lavigny-Duval's ongoing investigation in to the attack on the Emperor took the Princess to Nehet yesterday, where the Senator from Facece directed her followers to launch an all out attack on the Nehet Silver Ring.

Hundreds of pilots answered Arissa's call to arms, and under the direction of the Patrons of Law the makeshift fleet was able to provide more than enough firepower to grind the Nehet Silver Ring into dust. While crime is still a problem for the citizens of Nehet, at least it has finally been brought back to a manageable level.

During the process of dismantling the NSR's operation, agents loyal to Arissa uncovered evidence that criminals operating in and around Almad may have helped facilitate the attack against the Emperor.

At the same time, hundreds more pilots answered the Princess's call to end all criminal activity taking place in Mictlan. This inevitably resulted in the Mictlan Cartel being crushed beneath the weight of Arissa's stylish yet affordable Clippers (which are still available at a significant discount from Syromyatnikov Horizons in Nu).

Before the cartel's leadership met their final fate, a team of Imperial inquisitors were able to convince them to reveal who brokered the deal to strike against the Emperor. This new information points to the presence of a previously unknown underworld consultancy, who are believed to be based somewhere in the vicinity of LTT 9810.

Commanders interested in aiding the ongoing investigation can sign up for active duty at Heinkel City in Almad, and Gutierrez Terminal in LTT 9810.

Source: Galnet News
Source: Imperial Law and Order: Investigation into Attack on Emperor Continues
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« Reply #145 on: 24 April 2015, 11:45:10 »

Synteini Slave Sale Honours Emperor

Last week Zemina Torval and Aisling Duval went head to head in a contest Imperial citizens have dubbed the 'Great Slaver Showdown'. Both parties used the competition as an excuse to promote their own radical philosophies regarding the laws surrounding Imperial Slavery, and it looks like we finally know whose stance the Imperial public supports more.

During the course of the competition, Aisling's Angels freed an impressive 1,149,756 slaves, but this effort was dwarfed by supporters of the Imperial Slavers Association, who provided a better way of life for 2,387,567 non-citizens.

In recognition of the efforts of everyone who took part in the competition, the office of Senator Torval released the following statement to GalNet:

"The ISA would like to thank all participants for the overwhelming support shown for the Imperial Slavers Association and the Imperial way of life we represent."

"Sadly even our state of the art facilities couldn't get the almost two and a half million new recruits ready for sale in such a short space of time. However, never let it be said that Zemina Torval does not keep her promises."

"In honour of the Emperor, for the glory of the House of Duval, and in recognition of all they have done to advance our people and culture, Senator Torval has today authorised the sale of 5 million Imperial Slaves, to be made available in the markets of Lagerkvist Gateway."

"5 million Imperial Slaves. 20% off regular retail price. Only while stocks last."

Source: Galnet News
Source: Synteini Slave Sale Honours Emperor
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« Reply #146 on: 24 April 2015, 16:45:06 »

The Hunt for Justice

Senator Patreus has today begun the process of sending his agents to reclaim the debt owed to him by the government of Kui Hsien.

The Friends of Kui Hsien, the cooperative council that rules over the region, had previously entered into an agreement with Senator Patreus to supply Kui Hsien with the arms they needed to repel an invasion by the Federal-aligned Future of LTT 911 Party. Kui Hsien's economy was devastated during the war with LTT 911, and the Friends now find themselves in the unenviable position of being unable to repay their debt.

Over the last week, dozens of local traders have gone to extraordinary efforts to stimulate Kui Hsien's economy. Sadly their efforts were not enough, as the Friends of Kui Hsien still find themselves unable to meet the financial demands placed on them by Senator Patreus and Eotienses Silver Universal PLC.

As a result, Senator Patreus has authorised the Conservatives of BV Phoenicis to begin the forfeiture process. Imperial mercenaries interested in participating in the reclamation effort are being invited to sign up for active duty aboard Aoki Dock in BV Phoenicis.

Source: Galnet News
Source: The Hunt for Justice
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« Reply #147 on: 24 April 2015, 16:45:07 »

Silver Allied Network Implicated in Attack on Emperor!

Thousands of Imperial bounty hunters answered the call of Princess Arissa over the last week, joining her in the hunt to uncover the identity of the cabal behind the cowardly attack on the ailing Emperor.

Acting on the advice of several trustworthy members of the Imperial court, the Princess began by disrupting several large-scale criminal operations taking place in Nehet and Mictlan. Hundreds of Imperial Commanders loyal to the Princess descended on the systems in force. The fury of the makeshift fleet shattered the local gangs, and within 24 hours the fighting was over.

Information uncovered during the strike on Mictlan led investigators to LTT 9810, a system under the protection of Senator Zemina Torval. There it became apparent that a rogue division of the LTT 9810 Silver Allied Network had been acting as a financial consultancy service for some of the more successful Imperial crime families.

Senator Torval, along with SAN's board of directors, has denied any knowledge of the rogue division's activity. They have now opened up their records to Princess Arissa's investigators, who are currently hard at work trying to trace a series of payments that they believe may lead back to the cabal responsible for the attack.

The Princess has requested that members of her fleet remain close to Achenar. As soon as any new information is available, the next stage of the investigation will begin.

Source: Galnet News
Source: Silver Allied Network Implicated in Attack on Emperor!
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« Reply #148 on: 24 April 2015, 16:45:07 »

Torval Apologises for Synteini Slave Snafu

Last weekend the Imperial Slavers Association was supposed to make 5 million Imperial Slaves available for a significant discount in the markets aboard Lagerkvist Gateway. Much to the dismay of hundreds of eager Imperial traders, the slaves (and their associated discount) were delayed by members of Princess Lavigny-Duval's retinue as they attempted to pass through LTT 9810.

This unfortunate snafu meant that the ISA was unable to make good on Senator Zemina Torval's promise. Reports from those close to the Senator state that Zemina was furious when she learned that Princess Arissa's agents had seized her shipment. However, in light of the Silver Allied Network incident, the Senator is said to have since seen the wisdom of the investigators' actions.

In a statement released earlier today, Senator Torval had this to say:

"It is with deep embarrassment that I must apologise to all those whose businesses were unfortunately affected by the ongoing investigation into the attack on our beloved Emperor."

"I have no doubt that Senator Lavigny's agents acted with the Emperor's best interests at heart. As do we all. Indeed I urge those hard working loyalists to come and partake in the fantastic selection of discounted produce we have available for sale in Synteini.""

"A fresh shipment of Imperial Slaves is currently being prepared for sale at Lagerkvist Gateway. The sale is now officially underway, as promised, but stock levels will remain low until the new shipment arrives in Synteini later this week."

Source: Galnet News
Source: Torval Apologises for Synteini Slave Snafu
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« Reply #149 on: 24 April 2015, 21:45:03 »

Eotienses Rejuvenation Project Unveiled

In what many pundits are calling a clear attempt to consolidate his position as the most influential arms dealer in the Empire, Senator Denton Patreus has today announced an initiative to rejuvenate Parkinson Dock, in order to promote the development of High Tech goods in Eotienses.

The initiative, which is being overseen by the Citizens' Forum, aims to bring thousands of new jobs to the region. Imperial corporations are already engaged in a hot bidding war over rights to establish a presence on the newly reinvigorated Parkinson Dock, despite rumours that most of the available space has been reserved for businesses with established ties to the Senator.

In order to properly repurpose the facilities aboard Parkinson Dock, the Citizens' Forum has placed several sizable orders of Industrial Materials in the local market. Once those orders are filled, engineers will be able to start work on the rejuvenation process.

Source: Galnet News
Source: Eotienses Rejuvenation Project Unveiled
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