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« Reply #1140 on: 04 January 2021, 17:46:10 »

Countdown to Alliance Election Begins

The Alliance has entered a period of political campaigning prior to the election of a new prime minister.

The appointment of a head of government takes place every six years, with the forthcoming vote scheduled for the 25th of February 3307.

Unlike the Federation, there are no political parties in the Alliance. The Assembly is comprised of councillors who each represent the ruling faction of a member system. Electoral votes will be cast by these individuals rather than the public, but councillors tend to abide by the majority views of their constituencies.

Edmund Mahon is the current prime minister, having been in office since 3301, and is campaigning for re-election. If successful, he will be the first to serve more than one term.

There are several rivals challenging Mahon, but the greatest support is for Councillor Nakato Kaine of Tionisla. She has become a rallying point for discontent among the Assembly, speaking out against the Alliance's increasing dependence upon corporations and other superpowers.

At an emergency debate regarding the current wave of Thargoid attacks, Councillor Kaine stated:

"Can we be surprised that the Thargoid race is launching fresh assaults against us, when we brazenly invade their territories? Our obsession with meta-alloys has turned us into the aggressor! This is not the same Alliance that I pledged to serve. It's time for a new direction."
Source: Countdown to Alliance Election Begins
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« Reply #1141 on: 05 January 2021, 21:45:16 »

Core Dynamics Purchases Lakon Spaceways

The shipbuilding company Lakon Spaceways has officially accepted a bid for ownership from Federal corporation Core Dynamics.

The proposal from Core Dynamics CEO Jupiter Rochester was ratified following a majority vote by Lakon's board of directors, many of whom were recently appointed following resignations demanded by shareholders.

Trent Delaney, the new chairperson, confirmed the merger in a public statement:

"We are overjoyed that Lakon Spaceways will join the Core Dynamics family, thereby overturning the mistakes of the previous management and setting us on course for a bright future."

"The transfer of ownership will take another two months to formalise. In that time, it will be business as usual for the manufacture and sale of our ships."

The Federal Commerce Authority has approved the corporate takeover. However, the Independent Commission for Market Equality is still investigating reports of irregularities.

The Council of Admirals has expressed concerns that a military supplier for the Alliance Defence Force should be owned by a Federal defence contractor. Admiral Rachel Ziegler informed the Assembly:

"Regardless of our cordial relationship with the Federation, security issues will inevitably arise if the Alliance Chieftain and her sister ships are constructed by a foreign power. The ADF is already woefully underfunded, and this places extra strain on our ability to defend our interests."

Source: Core Dynamics Purchases Lakon Spaceways
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« Reply #1142 on: 07 January 2021, 21:45:02 »

Thargoids Wreak Havoc in Nebulas

Starports in the Coalsack and Witch Head Nebulas have been damaged during full-scale Thargoid incursions.

An appeal by Aegis for anti-xeno support led to a concerted response from the galactic community. However, the Thargoid forces proved to be overwhelming and have attacked systems within the nebulas, with the loss of thousands of lives.

Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison of Aegis, broadcast this message:

"Despite the heroic efforts of many pilots, the alien ships have resisted being driven from the Witch Head Nebula."

"Aegis's military capability and manpower are both severely limited as a result of curtailed funding from the Empire and the Federation. We have no choice but to rely on independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons as the first line of defence against the Thargoid threat."
Source: Thargoids Wreak Havoc in Nebulas
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« Reply #1143 on: 07 January 2021, 21:45:02 »

Xenological Samples Required by Colonia Scientists

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

The Holloway Bioscience Institute in Colonia is offering high payouts for delivering samples from space-dwelling lifeforms.

The Holloway Biology Centre on Colonia 7 G is the organisation's primary research laboratory, which specialises in xenological studies. Jaques Station, which is also in the Colonia system, has agreed to serve as the delivery point for this initiative.

Chief researcher Dr Roy Casimir outlined the requirements:

"There is still a huge amount to learn about the fascinating structures that grow within the vacuum of space. As our stock of specimens is running low, we require fresh tissue samples from living organisms to continue our experimentation programme."

"I appreciate that our facility is located a considerable distance from the core systems, but we're willing to offer generous reimbursement for those who make the journey."

Pilots are requested to extract any type of tissue sample, including pod mesoglea, from any type of seed pod. These are to be delivered to Jaques Station in the Colonia system.
Source: Xenological Samples Required by Colonia Scientists
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« Reply #1144 on: 08 January 2021, 23:45:05 »

Aegis Supports Galactic Summit

The organisation Aegis has expressed support for Utopia's offer to host a Galactic Summit for all three superpowers.

Aegis was jointly formed by the Alliance, Empire and Federation to study the Thargoids, and develop new methods of monitoring and combating their forces.

Professor Alba Tesreau, head of research at Aegis, gave this statement:

"Humanity's focus on petty internal conflicts has blinded us to the existential threat of the Thargoids. Their recent horrific attacks should be a wake-up call to the fact that defunding has crippled Aegis's ability to offer protection."

"We strongly entreat our founders to come together and channel resources toward Aegis, and particularly into research. There can be no hope of coexistence with this alien species unless we increase our understanding of them."

No official responses to Utopia's proposal have been made as yet. However, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon, Princess Aisling Duval and Shadow President Felicia Winters have all signalled broad approval of the idea. There are reports that many congressmen, councillors and senators are pressuring their respective leaders to attend the diplomatic conference.

Simguru Pranav Antal has confirmed that the governments of independent systems will also be welcome to send delegates to the Galactic Summit. However, Utopia's primary aim is to provide neutral territory for the Alliance, Empire and Federation to debate policies.
Source: Aegis Supports Galactic Summit
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« Reply #1145 on: 11 January 2021, 19:45:03 »

Date Set for Trial of Fleet Admiral Vincent

Fleet Admiral Lucas Vincent of the Federal Navy will stand trial on the 25th of January, charged with conspiracy to commit murder and treason.

The Federal Attorney's Office has successfully obtained a grand jury indictment against Fleet Admiral Vincent. He is accused of arranging the sabotage of presidential vessel Starship One in 3301, to assassinate then-President Jasmina Halsey. Although she was later recovered alive, hundreds died when the ship was destroyed in flight.

These charges were brought following the trial of Rory Webster, a naval technician who was implicated in the failure of Starship One's hyperdrive system. Mr Webster confessed his involvement, but offered a plea bargain by providing evidence that he was following clandestine orders from Vincent.

The subsequent arrest caused repercussions in military and political circles. President Zachary Hudson's long-term association with Vincent resulted in Republican congressmen losing confidence in his leadership, and increased the Liberal Party's popularity.

As a naval chief of staff, Fleet Admiral Vincent is the highest ranking Federal military officer to ever stand trial. Media interest remains intense, with much public speculation about corruption among the Federation's highest echelons.

The trial will take place at the Federal High Court in Olympus Village on Mars, and is expected to last several weeks.

Source: Date Set for Trial of Fleet Admiral Vincent
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« Reply #1146 on: 13 January 2021, 18:45:27 »

Core Dynamics Insider Discusses Lakon Takeover

An anonymous source within the shipbuilding corporation Core Dynamics has revealed details behind its hostile takeover of Lakon Spaceways.

The nameless insider had previously stated that the acquisition of Lakon was the personal project of Core Dynamics CEO Jupiter Rochester. These additional claims were broadcast via Vox Galactica:

"In the last few years, Rochester has purchased many companies based outside the Federation, such as Vodel. Lakon Spaceways is just the latest. It seems legal, but he manages these subsidiaries directly and installs his own people there. Some say he's diversifying his family's private holdings, rather than expanding the business."

"It's well known that several departments only follow Rochester's directives, and operate in silos unconnected with the rest of Core Dynamics. Staff refer to them as 'Jupiter Division'. Some offices even started using that name, like they're a separate company within a company."

"I've heard that some directors are unhappy with Rochester, but he's too well-connected to ever get rid of. It's thanks to him that we have so many military contracts. As always, the rich get away with anything."

Core Dynamics declined to comment on this statement. Naomi Landseer, former chairperson of the Lakon Spaceways board of directors, has asked the Independent Commission for Market Equality to investigate further.
Source: Core Dynamics Insider Discusses Lakon Takeover
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« Reply #1147 on: 14 January 2021, 21:45:02 »

Xenological Samples Delivered to Colonia

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

The Holloway Bioscience Institute has rewarded pilots who delivered living matter extracted from space-dwelling organisms.

Many shipments of seed pod tissue samples arrived at Jaques Station, from where they will be transported to the Holloway Biology Centre on Colonia 7 G. These will be used to replenish stocks used in the facility's experimentation programme.

Dr Roy Casimir, chief researcher at the centre, expressed his gratitude:

"These vital supplies mean that we can resume our studies on the incredible organisms that float through the void. Here at Holloway we're making many breakthroughs in the field of xenobiology, some with intriguing commercial possibilities."

The Holloway Bioscience Institute now plans to establish experimental habitats for vacuum lifeforms in the following systems:

Eol Prou PC-K c9-221

Eol Prou LW-L c8-99   

Eol Prou KW-L c8-301

Eol Prou PC-K c9-154

Pilots who contributed to this initiative can now collect their rewards from Jacques Station in the Colonia system.
Source: Xenological Samples Delivered to Colonia
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« Reply #1148 on: 14 January 2021, 21:45:02 »

New Marlinist Systems Request Emergency Food Supplies

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

The newly settled Marlinist Colonies have asked for urgent deliveries of foodstuffs.

Millions of Marlinists have relocated to eight systems colonised for them by the Sirius Corporation, thereby reducing tension between the Empire and the Federation. They have asked Universal Cartographics to delay a census of the systems' populations, while the refugees lay the infrastructure for their new societies.

The Marlinist factions are holding democratic elections to select their leaders. However, the transitional parliament has declared an emergency due to the shortage of food stocks.

Community spokesperson Dr Jenna Fairfax announced:

"We are grateful to the galactic community and Sirius Corporation for providing homes. However, we need further help to feed our people in the short term, until we can become self-sufficient."

"The more supplies we can stockpile, the faster our economies will develop. This in turn will allow us to offer greater commodity discounts, to encourage the establishment of regular trade routes."

Pilots are asked to deliver animal meat, fish, fruit and vegetables, and grain to Stillman Hub in the HIP 22550 system.

As this system's defence forces are still being formed, the Free Marlinists of Carinae have offered bounties on all wanted ships to secure these initial trade runs to the Marlinist Colonies.
Source: New Marlinist Systems Request Emergency Food Supplies
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« Reply #1149 on: 16 January 2021, 00:45:02 »

Uncertainty Hits Takeover of Lakon Spaceways

The purchase of shipbuilding company Lakon Spaceways by Core Dynamics is in doubt after allegations of illegal business practices.

Irfan Karim reported on the recent developments for The Alliance Tribune:

"The Independent Commission for Market Equality has confirmed that several Lakon shareholders sold their stock to shell companies, which were covertly established by departments within Core Dynamics. Furthermore, two serious accusations of blackmail have been referred to Alliance Interpol."

"Trent Delaney, Lakon's newly installed chairperson, has dismissed these claims. But coupled with serious rumblings from the Council of Admirals over losing a military supplier, this hostile takeover now looks less certain."

In the Federation, the newsfeed Sol Today ran an editorial piece on the situation:

"Acquiring Lakon is another bold triumph for manufacturing colossus Core Dynamics. It's a shame that it's being undermined by the petty bureaucrats of the Alliance, who should be gratefully grasping this financial lifeline."

"It's also laughable that CEO Jupiter Rochester, one of our titans of industry, is being stabbed in the back by old-fashioned colleagues who are clearly jealous of his success. Perhaps his 'Jupiter Division' has finally outgrown the corporation and deserves to forge its own path."
Source: Uncertainty Hits Takeover of Lakon Spaceways
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« Reply #1150 on: 18 January 2021, 20:45:02 »

Galactic Summit Proposal from Sirius Corporation

Utopia's ability to host a diplomatic conference for all three superpowers has been challenged by the Sirius Corporation.

The megacorp's counter-proposal was announced by CEO Li Yong-Rui:

"With all due respect to Simguru Antal, his commune cannot match our level of resources. Sirius is far better placed in terms of logistics and security, and our navy will be able to ensure the safe transportation of all delegates."

"Furthermore, we already have excellent commercial relationships with the Alliance, Empire and Federation, and can therefore guarantee neutrality. Our recent philanthropic gesture at creating the Marlinist Colonies proves that we are an impartial, stabilising force for the whole galaxy."

Discussions regarding the conference have been ongoing in superpower and independent systems alike. Some leaders have decried it as a pointless exercise, while others view it as a rare opportunity for political cohesion.

Sirius Corporation and Utopia's propositions for a Galactic Summit are now being compared by potential attendees. However, Zachary Rackham's offer to host the conference at the actual galactic summit of Rackham's Peak is not being seriously considered.
Source: Galactic Summit Proposal from Sirius Corporation
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« Reply #1151 on: 19 January 2021, 23:45:15 »

Prime Minister Mahon Campaigns for Re-Election

Edmund Mahon has launched a political campaign to be elected as the Alliance's leader for a second term.

The incumbent prime minister is undertaking a whistle-stop tour across Alliance space to rouse support. Only members of the Assembly can cast votes in this election, but they will be heavily influenced by public opinion within their systems.

Mahon's campaign has focused on the Alliance's huge expansion during his six-year premiership, with reminders of triumphs such as the Alliance Festival of Culture. His ability to handle a crisis has also been highlighted, including President Kincaid's attempted coup and the League of Reparation's crusade.

More recent examples of his leadership are welcoming Marlinist refugees from the Empire and exploiting the Coalsack Nebula to boost economic prosperity. However, Mahon's critics have pointed out that both strategies increased the risk of attack from Neo-Marlinist terrorists and the Thargoids.

Addressing a packed conference hall on Birmingham in his home system of Diso, Mahon proclaimed:

"We live in an increasingly turbulent galaxy, making it important to maintain a steady hand at the wheel. I will be honoured to continue representing the diverse peoples of the Alliance."
Source: Prime Minister Mahon Campaigns for Re-Election
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« Reply #1152 on: 20 January 2021, 17:46:12 »

Jasmina Halsey Returns to the Federation

Former President Jasmina Halsey has arrived on Mars to stand as a witness in the upcoming trial of Fleet Admiral Lucas Vincent.

Halsey was subpoenaed by the Federal High Court to testify before the jury. Although this was not legally enforceable, since she now lives beyond the Federation's jurisdiction, she has acceded to the court's request.

Jasmina Halsey served as Federal president prior to the destruction of Starship One in 3301, which Vincent is accused of arranging. She was recovered alive, but abandoned her political career and emigrated to the Alliance. She has since campaigned as a peace activist and acted as an adviser to Prime Minister Edmund Mahon.

After greeting a large crowd of supporters at Olympus Village Spaceport, Halsey gave a statement to The Federal Times:

"This is a bittersweet moment for me. Coming back to the Federation feels like revisiting a past life. But perhaps we can finally lay some ghosts to rest."

She was welcomed in person by Shadow President Felicia Winters, who was secretary of state in Halsey's administration. However, President Zachary Hudson has made no comment regarding his predecessor's return or the forthcoming trial of Fleet Admiral Vincent.

Source: Jasmina Halsey Returns to the Federation
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« Reply #1153 on: 21 January 2021, 21:45:21 »

Sirius and Utopia Compete to Host Galactic Summit

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Rival initiatives to arrange a diplomatic conference have been launched by Sirius Corporation and the Utopia commune.

The Alliance Assembly, Federal Congress and Imperial Senate have each provisionally agreed to send delegates to the first tri-superpower Galactic Summit in late February. This political gathering will also be attended by representatives from independent systems.

All parties have specified that their participation depends upon the event being successfully organised in neutral territory, and with sufficient resources and security in place.

Sirius Corporation and Utopia have begun to gather supplies to host the conference. Both have requested assistance from the galactic community to provide a broad range of data, which will be vital for planning security operations. Whichever organisation obtains the greatest amount of data will be deemed most suitable.

The following data sources are of interest to both parties: anomalous bulk scan data, atypical disrupted wake echoes, exceptional scrambled emission data and unusual encrypted files.

Simguru Pranav Antal has called upon all pilots who support Utopia's proposal to deliver the data to Tanner Settlement in the Polevnic system.

CEO Li Yong-Rui has asked all those who believe Sirius Corporation to be a more suitable host to deliver the data to Goldstein Port in the Lembava system.

Source: Sirius and Utopia Compete to Host Galactic Summit
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« Reply #1154 on: 21 January 2021, 21:45:21 »

Marlinist Colonies Receive Emergency Food Supplies

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Large amounts of food commodities have been delivered to the Marlinist Colonies.

Multiple shipments of animal meat, fish, fruit and vegetables, and grain were transported to Stillman Hub. Messages of gratitude were broadcast from all the Marlinist factions, which have distributed these vital supplies across the eight colony systems.

The Free Marlinists of Carinae also issued bounty vouchers for wanted ships, in order to protect the deliveries. Contributing pilots can now collect their rewards from Stillman Hub in the HIP 22550 system.

In related news, the first Marlinist Parliament has been democratically elected. The respected community leader Dr Jenna Fairfax was chosen by a majority public vote to be First Minister. In a public address, she said:

"This path was not chosen by us, but our people have turned Marlin Duval's ideology into a functioning republican society. Now that we are fully independent members of the galactic community, we can repay those who aided our survival by offering discounts on commodities and establishing regular trading."

Source: Marlinist Colonies Receive Emergency Food Supplies
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