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« Reply #1125 on: 08 December 2020, 19:45:03 »

Universal Increase to Combat Bond and Anti-Xeno Payouts

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

The values of combat bonds and anti-xeno bonds have been increased, as factions focus on bolstering defences.

Financial instability and the current political tensions have led to factions upscaling their rewards for combat bonds, as well as bonds received for destroying Thargoid vessels.

These increases to anti-xeno and combat bonds will be in effect across Alliance, Federal, Imperial and independent space. They can be processed as usual at any starport offering the relevant services.

This follows a turbulent period in many marketplaces that has impacted commodity prices, as well as producing a boost to the value of bounty vouchers.

The changes were remarked upon by Professor Ophelia Kaufmann, head of economics at Orion Independent University:

"As anticipated, the ongoing volatility of financial markets has led to further widespread revaluation. With heightened hostility between the Empire and the Federation, coupled with terrorist attacks and a resurgence in Thargoid activity, it is hardly surprising that every faction now places a greater premium on protecting their citizens."

"Although some may view the current tranche of changes as inevitable or overdue, there may well be additional revaluing in other fields as a result of competing market forces. The only certainty is of further uncertainty."
Source: Universal Increase to Combat Bond and Anti-Xeno Payouts
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« Reply #1126 on: 10 December 2020, 20:45:04 »

Coalsack Nebula Project Gathers Ammonia Worlds Data

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Explorers have catalogued many ammonia worlds for a Sirius Atmospherics terraforming project in the Coalsack Nebula.

The subsidiary of Sirius Corporation is one of several companies that are working in partnership with the Alliance to commercially exploit the region.

Project director Dr Maximilian North announced the successful completion of the initiative:

"The data provided on planets with ammonia-based atmospheres will be invaluable to our terraforming simulations. With our new environmental techniques, some of these poisonous worlds within the nebula may one day become habitable."

Sirius Atmospherics has confirmed that payouts for all contributing pilots are now available at Betancourt Base in the Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1 system.

As the expansion into the Coalsack Nebula progresses, Commodore Morag Halloran of the Alliance Defence Force commented on the possibility of further attacks from the Thargoids:

"Anti-xeno security is not as stringent as we had planned, due to the low availability of ADF vessels and Aegis being impacted by Federal and Imperial defunding. It may be necessary to call upon the galactic community again, should we encounter further interference from the Thargoids."
Source: Coalsack Nebula Project Gathers Ammonia Worlds Data
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« Reply #1127 on: 10 December 2020, 20:45:04 »

Sirius Corporation Campaign to Establish Marlinist Colonies

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Commodities are requested to create new settlements for Marlinist refugees who fled from the Empire to the Federation.

Sirius Corporation has offered to resolve the current standoff between superpowers by establishing colonies where the refugees can live independently.

Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, summarised his proposal:

"It is clear that the Marlinists cannot return to the Empire, and are a destabilising presence within the Federation. We offer an alternative by constructing permanent habitats for their population. These will be self-governed and may freely trade with the galactic community."

"Sirius cannot stand by while the risk of interstellar war increases. I sincerely hope this leads to a more stable and profitable period for us all."

After intense debate, both Congress and the Senate accepted the proposal, with the proviso that any refugees identified as NMLA members will be returned to the Empire.

Dr Jenna Fairfax, a Marlinist community leader, also offered her approval:

"We were forced to abandon our entire lives because of our political beliefs. This at least gives us a chance to have homes again."

Traders are asked to deliver atmospheric processors, auto-fabricators, structural regulators and water purifiers to Ellis Gateway in the Bd+05 1146 system. From there, the Omega Merchant Command will distribute resources for the colonisation of up to ten uninhabited systems.

Source: Sirius Corporation Campaign to Establish Marlinist Colonies
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« Reply #1128 on: 12 December 2020, 00:45:03 »

Outpost Planned for 'The Roof of Space'

Multi-billionaire Zachary Rackham is constructing a permanent outpost at the farthest system above the galactic plane.

The orbital outpost will be located within the HIP 58832 system. This is commonly held to be at the galactic zenith, one of the highest locations that can practically be reached.

The project is funded by the corporation Rackham Capital Investments, with the close involvement of Universal Cartographics and several other scientific organisations. The outpost's location will make it ideal for gathering astronomical data on the overall structure of the galactic spiral.

This historic scientific endeavour was remarked upon by Mr Rackham from his private villa complex on the Rhea Archipelago:

"Back in my days of plying the trade routes in a second-hand Sidewinder, the idea of standing on the roof of space was an idle daydream. This new generation of pilots and ships will make my vision a reality."

"No doubt many important scientific observations will be made once the outpost is up and running, but more importantly, there'll be a bar – and the drinks are on me!"

A spokesperson for Rackham Capital Investments later confirmed that the outpost in the HIP 58832 system would be operational on the 17th of December 3306, but clarified that there was no legal guarantee for beverage reimbursement.
Source: Outpost Planned for 'The Roof of Space'
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« Reply #1129 on: 14 December 2020, 20:45:06 »

Core Dynamics Funds Takeover with Ship Discounts

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Prices for several Core Dynamics vessels have been temporarily reduced, as part of an attempt to purchase Lakon Spaceways.

The shipbuilding corporation has applied a 30% discount to sales of the Eagle Mk II and the Vulture. There is also a 20% discount on sales of Federal Assault Ships, Federal Dropships and Federal Gunships, although the Federal Navy rank requirements for each vessel continue to apply.

The reduced prices are expected to last until the 30th of December 3306.

Core Dynamics recently made a proposal to acquire rival company Lakon Spaceways, which rejected the offer then applied markdowns to its own ships to increase short-term profits.

The Alliance Tribune's business reporter Irfan Karim speculated on these developments:

"CEO Jupiter Rochester remains tight-lipped on the reasons for these discounts, but it seems likely that he is raising funds for a more aggressive bid. Rumours are circulating of Lakon investors being bribed to sell their shares, or coerced into demanding that the board of directors accepts ownership by Core Dynamics."

"Many industry analysts are convinced that a hostile takeover of Lakon Spaceways is underway. If successful, we could see vessels that are commonly associated with the Alliance – such as the Chieftain and Type-10 Defender – manufactured by a Federal corporation in the future."
Source: Core Dynamics Funds Takeover with Ship Discounts
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« Reply #1130 on: 17 December 2020, 21:45:04 »

Engineers Boost Ship Module Upgrading

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

The effectiveness of engineers' upgrading for ship modules will be boosted until the 7th of January 3307.

During this time, engineered weapons and modules will receive increased augmentation for the same amount of materials. This will apply to every workshop in Alliance, Imperial, Federal and independent space.

Lori Jameson, an engineer based in the Shinrarta Dezhra system, provided details to Vox Galactica on how this collaboration came about:

"After the Eurybia incident, some of us contacted Liz Ryder and offered our support. It was horrifying how her expertise had been abused by the NMLA, leaving her unfairly maligned as a terrorist supporter. There were concerns that her situation might reflect badly on engineers in general."

"We soon established communication links between every workshop, and agreed to offer a universal boost to upgrades. Hopefully this will remind pilots how much we value their custom, and that we remain a trustworthy resource."

Mel Brandon, one of four engineers in the Colonia Region, commented:

"It's about time that we all started talking to each other. Our services are valuable to the whole galaxy. We deserve better protection. Maybe we have to start protecting ourselves."
Source: Engineers Boost Ship Module Upgrading
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« Reply #1131 on: 17 December 2020, 21:45:04 »

Commodities Delivered to Build Marlinist Colonies

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Sirius Corporation has successfully gathered materials to construct new independent settlements for Marlinist emigrants.

Both the Empire and the Federation accepted the proposal from Sirius Corporation to establish colonies for the political refugees, who have been the cause of increased tension between the superpowers.

CEO Li Yong-Rui made this announcement:

"As always, the galactic community's immense contribution has made this achievement possible. The shipments of atmospheric processors, auto-fabricators, structural regulators and water purifiers will be used to construct new outposts and settlements in 8 uninhabited systems."

The Omega Merchant Command is now offering rewards at Ellis Gateway in the Bd+05 1146 system to all pilots who delivered commodities.

Aaron Whyte, a community leader among the refugees, commented on Vox Galactica:

"I suppose we should be grateful that these colonies give us a chance of survival. But none of us wanted to set up our own kingdoms – only to remove the kings. And one day, we will."

The Marlinist population is expected to be transferred from Federal space to the new colonies in early 3307.
Source: Commodities Delivered to Build Marlinist Colonies
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« Reply #1132 on: 17 December 2020, 21:45:04 »

Rackham's Peak Outpost Marks Galactic Zenith

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Multi-billionaire Zachary Rackham's new orbital outpost at the galactic zenith is now operational.

Rackham's Peak is situated in the HIP 58832 system, one of the highest practical locations above the galactic plane. Its construction was funded by Rackham Capital Investments, in conjunction with Universal Cartographics and other scientific research companies.

Traders have been welcomed, although the increased distances between stars at the galaxy's fringes mean that vessels with a high jump range are recommended. Rackham's Peak is currently offering high prices for deliveries of beer, liquor, wine, Bast Snake Gin, Centauri Mega Gin, Chateau De Aegaeon, Eranin Pearl Whisky, Gerasian Gueuze Beer, Harma Silver Sea Rum, Indi Bourbon, Kongga Ale, Lavian Brandy, Leestian Evil Juice, Saxon Wine, Thrutis Cream and Wuthielo Ku Froth.

Mr Rackham officiated at the outpost's opening ceremony, which was followed by an extravagant press party for media representatives and attending celebrities. He gave this statement:

"The top of the galaxy is now open for business! Rackham's Peak is a free port where everyone is welcome, a place where explorers and entrepreneurs can enjoy drinks while overlooking the entire Milky Way. Aim high, Commanders!"

In related news, Rackham Capital Investments has agreed to pay a repairs bill from Universal Cartographics for the outpost's sensor array control systems, which suffered fluid-related damage during the party.
Source: Rackham's Peak Outpost Marks Galactic Zenith
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« Reply #1133 on: 21 December 2020, 18:45:27 »

Terrorism Respite as Marlinists Prepare for New Homes

As independent colonies are set up for Marlinist refugees, there has been a lull in terrorist strikes from the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army (NMLA).

In recent months, the paramilitary group launched multiple attacks across the Empire. Starports and administrative buildings were bombed and dozens of individuals assassinated, including Prince Harold and more distant members of the Duval family.

However, the number of incidents has fallen drastically following successful operations by the Imperial Internal Security Service:

"After the Federal Security Service identified NMLA members aboard the emigrants' megaships, these were transferred to us for interrogation. We obtained information that enabled us to shut down many terrorist cells, although there is evidence that the NMLA's network remains widespread."

In related news, hundreds of thousands of Marlinist refugees are preparing to occupy new colony systems established by the Sirius Corporation. Mass transportation will take place early next year, overseen by Safeguard Interstellar. The Empire, Federation and Sirius Gov have all agreed that the settlements will remain fully independent.

The refugee population has already begun to determine its future social structure, based on the principles of Marlinism. A transitional parliament has been formed by community leaders such as Dr Jenna Fairfax, Aaron Whyte and Amrita Ross. Democratic elections for a representative government will take place once the Marlinist Colonies are operational.
Source: Terrorism Respite as Marlinists Prepare for New Homes
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« Reply #1134 on: 22 December 2020, 15:45:18 »

Investors Take Control of Lakon Spaceways

A coalition of Lakon Spaceways shareholders has voted to replace several members of the company's board of directors with new management.

At an emergency general meeting, investors put forward a resolution to remove selected directors, in accordance with Lakon's articles of association. The majority vote was in favour of this resolution.

New appointees to the board have already stated that the rejected bid by Federal shipbuilder Core Dynamics will be reappraised. Jupiter Rochester, the corporation's CEO, has welcomed the opportunity for fresh discussions.

Chairperson Naomi Landseer, who is one of the directors being replaced, told Vox Galactica:

"It's no coincidence that the board members being voted out are the same ones who were against Core Dynamics owning the company. I am convinced that Rochester's people are bribing or threatening our shareholders to make sure this hostile takeover goes through."

Lakon Spaceways is currently offering a 30% discount on sales of Asp Scouts, Diamondback Scouts, Keelbacks, Type-7 Transporters and Type-10 Defenders.

Core Dynamics has applied a 30% markdown to sales of the Eagle MkII and the Vulture, with a 20% discount for Federal Assault Ships, Federal Dropships and Federal Gunships.
Source: Investors Take Control of Lakon Spaceways
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« Reply #1135 on: 24 December 2020, 16:45:09 »

Alliance Shelters New Marlinist Refugees

Tens of thousands of Marlinist refugees have claimed sanctuary in Alliance space, after emigrating from the Empire to avoid political persecution.

In recent weeks, there has been a steady stream of ex-Imperial citizens arriving at Alliance systems, mostly travelling aboard small private vessels or in the holds of cargo ships.

The humanitarian aid organisation Safeguard Interstellar reported that accommodation and basic necessities are being provided. Alliance Interpol is running stringent security checks for evidence that members of the NMLA terrorist group are present.

The initial wave of refugees, which fled to the Federation, are currently preparing to populate a number of independent colonies established by the Sirius Corporation. However, these systems cannot yet provide harbour to the continuing exodus of Marlinists from the Empire.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon publicly welcomed the refugees, but there has been some dissent in the Alliance Assembly. Councillor Nakato Kaine, who is expected to be Mahon's main rival in next year's election, received widespread support for her views:

"Naturally, we must provide these poor people with emergency aid, but there are practical limits to our resources. It is not our responsibility to solve the Empire's domestic issues, and we have seen the Federation pay the price for sheltering terrorists. The Alliance cannot end up as the dumping ground for other superpowers' problems."
Source: Alliance Shelters New Marlinist Refugees
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« Reply #1136 on: 28 December 2020, 20:45:05 »

Coalsack Nebula Terraforming Project Stalls

Sirius Atmospherics has delivered an update on its experiments to terraform ammonia worlds in the Coalsack Nebula.

The subsidiary of Sirius Corporation is working closely with the Alliance to exploit the nebula's resources and pursue scientific investigation, including terraforming terrestrial planets with ammonia-based atmospheres.

Project director Dr Maximilian North gave this progress report:

"Preliminary efforts at ecosphere conversion have delivered promising results, but our new techniques are not as effective as the simulations based on exploration data suggested. We are still a long way from fully transforming these worlds into habitable environments."

Independent journalist Flint 'Firemaker' Lafosse commented on this via the Rewired network:

"Does anyone really believe Sirius is there for the terraforming? Of course they can't magically turn ammonia hellholes into paradise planets overnight! I know a cover story when I smell one. I wouldn't be surprised if they're deliberately trying to provoke the Thargoids for some reason, maybe to capture some specimens. Where there's xenos, there's credits."

The Alliance has corroborated Dr North's report, but also confirmed an increase in Sirius Corporation personnel and equipment arriving in the Coalsack Nebula.
Source: Coalsack Nebula Terraforming Project Stalls
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« Reply #1137 on: 29 December 2020, 16:45:03 »

Lakon Spaceways Faces Financial Collapse

Economic instability has caused the value of shares in Lakon Spaceways to drop to unprecedented lows, placing the company's future in doubt.

A hostile takeover bid by Federal corporation Core Dynamics has raised concerns in the Alliance over the loss of a major defence contractor. The Independent Commission for Market Equality has also reported irregularities in the recent transfer of share ownership, which may lead to criminal investigations.

As a result, although Lakon Spaceways continues to manufacture and sell ships, its lack of reserves and a loss of confidence among investors may lead to insolvency and dissolution.

Trent Delaney, the newly appointed chairperson of Lakon's board of directors, announced:

"Financial mismanagement and a litany of poor business decisions have led to this situation. Rest assured that once formal negotiations with our new parent company are complete, Lakon's stock will rise to new heights."

According to Federal business analysts, there are indications of displeasure among Core Dynamics senior directors regarding this takeover. An anonymous source from within the corporation told Vox Galactica:

"The Lakon merger is entirely Jupiter Rochester's project. Frankly, it's sheer greed. Our income has soared recently with new commissions from the Navy, but Rochester's grabbing hands are always reaching for something. He runs the departments that are loyal to him like they're his personal kingdom."
Source: Lakon Spaceways Faces Financial Collapse
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« Reply #1138 on: 31 December 2020, 16:45:03 »

Thargoids Attack Coalsack and Witch Head Nebulas

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Large numbers of Thargoid vessels are swarming through multiple inhabited systems, leading to urgent calls for assistance.

In what appears to be a coordinated strike, Thargoid scouts and interceptors have appeared throughout the Coalsack and Witch Head Nebulas. Local security ships have engaged them in combat, but report being overwhelmed.

The Alliance has a considerable presence in these regions, with four starports recently constructed in the Coalsack Nebula. But the Alliance Defence Force has not been able to mobilise in time to prevent some systems from becoming infested with Thargoids.

Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison for Aegis, made this announcement:

"This is a resurgence of Thargoid activity on a scale that we have not witnessed for a long time. Unfortunately, drastic reductions in funding and resources mean that Aegis is unable to provide adequate defensive measures."

"We urgently request support from independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons. It is critical that we prevent the Thargoids from dominating these nebulas and wiping out many thousands of people."

Source: Thargoids Attack Coalsack and Witch Head Nebulas
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« Reply #1139 on: 01 January 2021, 20:45:25 »

Utopia Invites Superpowers to Galactic Summit

Simguru Pranav Antal, leader of the Utopia commune, has proposed hosting a diplomatic conference for the governments of all three superpowers.

The intention is to provide a neutral location to discuss key issues such as the renewed Thargoid attacks, the Marlinist refugee crisis, and hostilities between the Empire and the Federation.

Details have been sent to the Alliance Assembly, Federal Congress and Imperial Senate. Pranav Antal has also broadcast his invitation across all media channels:

"It is not Utopia's tradition to become involved with politics, but recent events are of great concern to us all. Interstellar war, terrorism, alien incursion and economic collapse are the new four dark horsemen that threaten humanity's future."

"We therefore offer to host a Galactic Summit where the Alliance, Empire and Federation may debate these problems peacefully. My sincere hope is that the heads of state grasp this opportunity to resolve their differences and create solutions that benefit their peoples."

Utopia is an independent society with a focus on using highly advanced technology to increase quality of life. Should this Galactic Summit take place, it would be the first diplomatic meeting of all three superpower governments.
Source: Utopia Invites Superpowers to Galactic Summit
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