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« Reply #1065 on: 13 January 2020, 16:45:04 »

Thargoid Incursions in Witch Head Enclave

A series of Thargoid incursions into human-occupied Witch Head systems has alarmed the region's colonists. Multiple casualties have been reported, with pilots caught off-guard by the sudden increase in Thargoid ships.

The Thargoids had largely withdrawn from the Witch Head enclave following a heavy defeat in July 3305. Following a significant increase in Thargoid activity, Professor Alba Tesreau of Aegis Research offered the following comments to Vox Galactica:

"Regrettably, the Thargoids were unlikely to surrender this area of space after a single defeat. Humanity may have established the Witch Head enclave, but the Thargoids are clearly still intent on driving us out – particularly with so many barnacle sites in the region."

With starports at considerable risk of assault, local authorities are hopeful that a defence force can be organised soon. A number of independent pilots have already travelled great distances to engage the Thargoid forces.

Kelvin Masters, a regular pundit for the Rewired network, provided this take:

"Those people in the Witch Head are crazy if they thought the Thargoids were just going to roll over like good pups. We're six months down the road from our initial expansion into the sector, and the local factions seem to have forgotten they're living in Thargoid space. There's a little push-and-shove for influence going on, corporations vying for control. What's going to happen in the Witch Head enclave now the Thargoids are back in force?"
Source: Thargoid Incursions in Witch Head Enclave
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« Reply #1066 on: 14 January 2020, 19:45:01 »

Witch Head System Designations Updated

Universal Cartographics has updated the names of fifteen systems in the Witch Head enclave.

Cynthia Sideris, chair of Universal Cartographics, elaborated on the development:

"Last year's colonisation efforts resulted in a number of new settlements in the region, and providing systems with less unwieldy appellations is of great benefit to explorers. For example, 'the Wisanye system' rolls off the tongue much more agreeably than 'the Witch Head Sector FB-X c1-7 system'."

"We are confident that these more personable memorable terms will be welcomed by the Witch Head community."

The Witch Head enclave is currently experiencing a number of Thargoid incursions, prompting local factions to call for assistance.
Source: Witch Head System Designations Updated
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« Reply #1067 on: 09 June 2020, 23:45:02 »

Vitadyne Nanomedicines Reach Galactic Market

The nanomedicines developed in December 3304 by Vitadyne Labs have been approved for distribution to medical facilities across the galaxy.

At the time of Vitadyne's original announcement, the nanomedicines were believed to be mere weeks away from widespread availability. The Interstellar Health Organisation (IHO) had verified the medicine's healing properties, and Vitadyne Labs owner Professor Katrien Rook had been hailed as a genius for spearheading the research and development project.

But some questioned how a relatively small company could produce such advanced drugs – questions that were answered when Pranav Antal announced that the nanomeds were derived from pharmaceuticals developed by the Utopia commune. Responding to accusations of theft, Professor Rook clarified that the original nanomeds had been legally salvaged from the wreckage of a Utopian transport ship.

A lengthy legal battle followed, with Pranav Antal demanding the return of both the original nanomedicines and the Vitadyne derivatives. Vitadyne argued that the derivatives were of great potential benefit to humanity, and should be made available for sale. The IHO eventually ruled in favour of Vitadyne Labs, with the caveat that all distribution be maintained by an established pharmaceutical corporation.

That honour went to the Vandermeer Corporation, which has now established the necessary manufacturing facilities. It has taken a year for all parties to agree on the rigid quality control measures and personnel qualifications required for the production of the nanomedicines.

"I am proud to announce that Vitadyne nanomedicines are now available for distribution from the Kuma system," said Professor Rook at a press conference at Elion Dock. "We have established a fantastic relationship with the Vandermeer team, and we look forward to sharing the fruits of our labour with humanity."
Source: Vitadyne Nanomedicines Reach Galactic Market
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« Reply #1068 on: 10 September 2020, 17:45:02 »

Terrorist Attacks on Imperial Starports

*Pilots Federation ALERT: For the attention of all Commanders*

The Empire has broadcast this message across its emergency channels:

"There have been multiple explosions within Mackenzie Relay station, in Princess Aisling Duval's home system of Cemiess. NMLA terrorists have claimed responsibility."

"In coordinated attacks they have also struck at Tsiolkovsky Terminal in the Gabjaujis system, Garrido Market in the LHS 4031 system, and Muller Terminal in the Rabh system."

"We urgently request assistance from the galactic community with repairing these starports and rescuing their populations."

The Imperial Internal Security Service issued a bulletin regarding this current threat:

"The Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army (NMLA) is a paramilitary force of political extremists, whose activities have been small-scale until now."

"Marlinism is a well-known ideology inspired by Marlin Duval, who established the Republic of Achenar in the 23rd century prior to it becoming the Empire. Many people in the fringe systems are Marlinists, who want to replace hereditary Emperors with representation by elected senators. Neo-Marlinism is a more radical conviction that only terror tactics will force such change."

"The NMLA's hatred of the Imperial Family explains why it has targeted starports under the Duval banner. But its use of portable military-grade explosives is unprecedented, suggesting an increase in resources."
Source: Terrorist Attacks on Imperial Starports
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« Reply #1069 on: 11 September 2020, 14:45:02 »

Starport Upgrade Initiative to Support Fleet Carriers

A press release from Brewer Corporation discusses plans to improve access to refuelling for owners of fleet carriers.

"We have been surprised and gratified by the popularity of our latest product. The options for independent pilots and crews have been considerably expanded by the versatility and capability of our Drake-Class Carriers."

"But we have also listened to customers' concerns, in particular that large ships such as Anacondas, Corvettes and Clippers cannot dock with refinery outposts to take on Tritium fuel."

"To help alleviate this issue, Brewer Corporation has partnered with two independent construction firms: Kavanagh Spaceframes Ltd and Steel Castle Inc. They are tasked with upgrading a number of outposts into fully functioning starports, in order to make refuelling runs more efficient."

The two construction companies that won this contract both have impressive track records in modifying orbital habitats. Kavanagh Spaceframes specialises in Orbis starports, while Steel Castle exclusively works with Coriolis designs. The projects are expected to begin next week.
Source: Starport Upgrade Initiative to Support Fleet Carriers
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« Reply #1070 on: 12 September 2020, 18:45:05 »

Terror Attacks Used Thargoid-Derived Explosives

The Imperial Internal Security Service has transmitted another urgent bulletin regarding terrorist attacks on starports in the Empire.

"There have been indications that the four starports came under attack by Thargoids. We can confirm that this is not the case, and there is no evidence of Thargoid vessels in the vicinity."

"Observers reported that some of the damage inflicted on the stations' infrastructure closely resembled the effect of Thargoid weaponry. This was registered by internal sensor systems, resulting in automatic emergency broadcasts designed to summon aid during a Thargoid incursion."

"Preliminary investigations suggest the use of customised explosive devices that incorporated elements of Thargoid technology. This suggests that the perpetrators have access to unusually sophisticated resources as well as xenological materials."

"As yet there is no reason to doubt that the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army (NMLA) is responsible for these attacks. We have received reports of jubilant scenes from some Imperial fringe systems, in territories where Marlinism remains popular."

Help with rescue operations is still being requested from the four Imperial starports: Mackenzie Relay in the Cemiess system, Tsiolkovsky Terminal in the Gabjaujis system, Garrido Market in the LHS 4031 system, and Muller Terminal in the Rabh system.
Source: Terror Attacks Used Thargoid-Derived Explosives
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« Reply #1071 on: 12 September 2020, 18:45:05 »

Inquiry into Starship One's Destruction Concludes

An independent inquiry by the Federal Attorney's Office into the destruction of presidential vessel Starship One has produced a final report.

Senior Attorney Milandu Okoro made this statement:

"The loss of presidential vessel Starship One in May 3301, along with hundreds of lives, was a great tragedy. Despite suspicion that this was an attempt to eliminate then-President Jasmina Halsey, initial investigations concluded that a catastrophic malfunction of its drive systems was the likely cause."

"A new inquiry was opened when fresh evidence came to light, including testimonies from several members of the Federal Navy. Our final report states that there is sufficient reason to believe Starship One was destroyed by deliberate sabotage."

"A grand jury has determined that criminal charges should be made. We have shared our findings with the Federal Intelligence Agency, and understand that an arrest will take place shortly."

The inquiry report is not yet in the public domain, but is thought to allege that illegal modifications were made to the Frame Shift Drive system of Starship One in advance of its destruction during flight through hyperspace.
Source: Inquiry into Starship One's Destruction Concludes
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« Reply #1072 on: 14 September 2020, 18:45:04 »

Prince Harold Duval Assassinated

Prince Harold Duval is dead after a targeted assassination attempt by the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army.

The Empire has imposed a media blackout on these events, and no official statement has been made. However, independent journalist Gwendolyn Nash published this on-the-scene report for Vox Galactica:

"From interviewing multiple sources, we gather that a single assassin managed to infiltrate Harold Duval's personal transport. He was killed by shipboard guards but not before shooting the Prince at close range."

"The NMLA claimed responsibility for this attack in its latest propaganda broadcast, which referred to the Duval family as 'imperialist parasites'. The extremist group also demanded that 'Marlinists everywhere must rise up and demand a democratic Republic'."

"Harold Duval was famously declared unfit for the throne by Emperor Hengist, and has been out of the public eye ever since. He rarely left Capitol but was making an unpublicised journey to visit his daughter Aisling Duval, presumably in response to the recent terrorist attack in the Cemiess system."

"It remains unknown how the NMLA knew of the Prince's itinerary, or managed to breach security on his ship."
Source: Prince Harold Duval Assassinated
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« Reply #1073 on: 17 September 2020, 15:45:02 »

Death of a Duval

Imperial news sources have confirmed that Prince Harold Duval was assassinated by NMLA terrorists while travelling incognito to the Cemiess system.

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval broadcast this address:

"It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved Prince Harold. A state funeral at the Hall of Martyrs is being arranged and there will be a period of mourning, as is customary for esteemed members of the Imperial Family. There will be opportunities for all citizens to honour Harold's memory in an appropriate manner."

Princess Aisling Duval, Harold's daughter, appeared uncharacteristically distressed when she gave a brief statement to the media:

"It's a huge loss to us all that… I'm sorry… I can't believe this has happened. He can't be gone! I used to have some sympathy for the Marlinists, but now they… they took him from us. They took my daddy."

The NMLA also attacked starports in the Cemiess, Gabjaujis, LHS 4031 and Rabh systems.

The Empire is now on heightened alert, and the Senate has approved new counter-terrorism initiatives proposed by Senator Denton Patreus.
Source: Death of a Duval
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« Reply #1074 on: 17 September 2020, 22:45:02 »

Community Support Required for Starport Conversions

*Pilots Federation ALERT: For the attention of all Commanders*

Trading commodities required in Nagasairu and Tenche systems.

Two construction companies have requested materials to convert refinery outposts into starports, to assist owners of fleet carriers who use large vessels for tritium refuelling.

Susannah Haynes, CEO of Kavanagh Spaceframes Ltd, stated:

"With the galactic community's help, we can upgrade a maximum of five outposts into Orbis starports. Our intermediaries, Tenche Universal Holdings, will accept deliveries of building fabricators, power generators and thermal cooling units at Blaauw Hub in the Tenche system."

There were similar requests from Dean Bradigan, director of Steel Castle Inc:

"For travellers who find the familiar sight of Coriolis stations welcoming, here's a chance to build up to five more. We ask for shipments of bauxite, gallite and rutile to be delivered to CQC Holdings at Teng-hui Station in the Nagasairu system."

The number of starports will depend on the amount of materials delivered. The target systems in order of priority are Fjorgyn, HR 4979, Wolf 294, Lambda-2 Tucanae, Potriti, LHS 4058, Chakpa, Gally Bese, Eta Cephei and Ninabin. If successful, upgrading will be done for the start of October.

Both initiatives begin on 17th September 3306 and will run for one week. If the final targets for a campaign are met earlier than planned, it will end immediately.
Source: Community Support Required for Starport Conversions
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« Reply #1075 on: 18 September 2020, 19:45:03 »

Arrest Made in Starship One Criminal Case

An officer in the Federal Navy Engineering Corps has been arrested for sabotaging the presidential vessel Starship One.

A statement was made by Milandu Okoro of the Federal Attorney's Office:

"Chief Technician Rory Webster was a department head of engineering for Starship One. Testimonies from members of Mr Webster's team claim that he ordered unauthorised adjustments to the ship's hyperdrive systems while in drydock, shortly before its launch in May 3301 and subsequent destruction."

"This case is now being brought before the Federal High Court, where Mr Webster will stand trial for mass murder and attempted treason."

There has been no comment from President Zachary Hudson, but Shadow President Felicia Winters told the press:

"This was a truly horrific tragedy, and there must be justice for all those who lost their lives on that sad day."

The apparent death of many Federation leaders aboard Starship One resulted in Winters briefly becoming acting president, shortly before Hudson won a vote of no confidence. There has been much media attention regarding how this event proved pivotal to both of their political careers.
Source: Arrest Made in Starship One Criminal Case
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« Reply #1076 on: 21 September 2020, 22:45:03 »

Obituary: Prince Harold Duval

The Imperial Herald has published an obituary of Prince Harold Duval, who was assassinated by NMLA terrorists.

"Born in 3230 to Emperor Hengist, Harold Duval reacted against his father's puritan lifestyle by filling his days with partying and debauchery, becoming the black sheep of the Duval family."

"It was probably accidental that Harold had a child with entertainer Imogen Gabrielini, but they married shortly before her narcotics-related death. His daughter, Princess Aisling Duval, has always spoken warmly of her loving father."

"Emperor Hengist eventually decreed that his son was not fit for the throne, despite being his only heir. Harold never contested this, perhaps relieved to allow half-sister Arissa Lavigny-Duval to take his place."

"In recent years Harold became a recluse on Capitol, suffering ill-health from a lifetime of excesses. But a father's protective instinct motivated him to travel to Aisling's home system after it was attacked. Tragically, despite always renouncing power, merely being a Duval made him a target to those same republican terrorists."

"As the Empire mourns Prince Harold, suspicions arise that the NMLA were aided by inside knowledge of his ship's itinerary and security, throwing an uneasy shadow over the legacy of this eccentric, endearing man."
Source: Obituary: Prince Harold Duval
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« Reply #1077 on: 21 September 2020, 22:45:03 »

Successful Initiatives to Produce New Starports

*Pilots Federation ALERT: For the attention of all Commanders*

New starports to be constructed in 10 systems.

Two projects to resource the upgrading of refinery outposts into starports have concluded. The aim is to increase efficiency for fleet carrier owners who use large ships for transporting tritium fuel.

Kavanagh Spaceframes Ltd published this statement from CEO Susannah Haynes:

"Thanks to a generous number of deliveries, we will have in place fully functioning Orbis starports for the start of October in the Fjorgyn, HR 4979, Wolf 294, Lambda-2 Tucanae and Potriti systems."

"All participating traders can now collect their rewards at Blaauw Hub in the Tenche system."

A similar announcement came from Dean Bradigan, director of Steel Castle Inc:

"The many shipments that we received will enable us to provide new Coriolis stations in the LHS 4058, Chakpa, Gally Bese, Eta Cephei and Ninabin systems by the beginning of October. We hope these will provide services to travellers for many years to come."

"Rewards for all pilots who delivered these minerals are now available at Teng-hui Station in the Nagasairu system."
Source: Successful Initiatives to Produce New Starports
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« Reply #1078 on: 24 September 2020, 20:45:03 »

State Funeral Held for Prince Harold Duval

*Pilots Federation ALERT: For the attention of all Commanders*

Rare commodities required by the Empire in the Baal system.

The state funeral of Prince Harold Duval has begun on Capitol. An official week of mourning has been declared throughout the Empire.

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval opened the ceremony, delivering a eulogy for her half-brother. Princess Aisling Duval, Harold's daughter, was also in attendance but was too emotional to address the huge crowds.

Messages of condolence from across the galaxy were on holographic display, including from Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Federal President Zachary Hudson. Even Hadrian Duval, the exiled leader of Nova Imperium, paid respects to his late uncle.

The body of the Prince, contained within a jewelled transparent casket, was paraded through the city by a company of Imperial Guard. It will remain in state for two weeks prior to internment in the Hall of Martyrs.

The Imperial Palace will host a memorial ceremony to honour Harold Duval, for which rare commodities have been requested before Thursday 1st October. Ngadandari Fire Opals, Esuseku Caviar, Lavian Brandy and Kamitra Cigars should be delivered to Oterma Station in the Baal system, where the White Templars will transport them to Capitol after security vetting.

Commanders of the Pilots Federation will be assigned an Achenar system permit alongside financial rewards. To further encourage participation, Gutamaya Corporation will apply a discount of up to 25% for all ship purchases according to the amount of rare items provided.
Source: State Funeral Held for Prince Harold Duval
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« Reply #1079 on: 28 September 2020, 22:45:03 »

Starship One Trial Begins

The trial of Chief Technician Rory Webster, who is charged with mass murder and attempted treason, began today at the Federal High Court on Mars.

Mr Webster, a department head in the Federal Navy Engineering Corps, is accused of attempting to destroy Starship One in 3301. He has filed a plea of not guilty.

The prosecutor laid out the charges, including this summary:

"According to the testimonies of three naval engineers, they installed replacement power regulator components to Starship One prior to its launch. Mr Webster verified this was routine maintenance during the initial investigation."

"Last year, one engineer reviewed data for the Highliner Antares incident and realised that pre-modified power regulators could have caused an identical Frame Shift Drive misjump on Starship One. She tried to trace the components' source and found the records deleted."

"After Mr Webster refused to respond to her questions, she and her colleagues contacted the authorities, prompting a full inquiry."

The Highliner Antares was a Sirius Corporation passenger liner that was destroyed in 3251 when its experimental hyperdrive engines malfunctioned.

The defence refuted the accusations as unprovable and motivated by personal grudges, making reference to Chief Technician Webster's otherwise flawless record.

The trial is expected to conclude next week.
Source: Starship One Trial Begins
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