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Author Topic: Dramatis Personae - A Dark Deeds Cast List  (Read 9018 times)
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Snakes in the Tiki Lounge
Burton Delvers

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« on: 09 March 2010, 03:14:19 »

    Player Characters

    Non-Player Characters
    Nb - Ally or Foe designation is based on information known and from the perspective of the majority of the player characters only

    • Allies
      • Elian of Lydria
      • Elrili-Zalenil
      • Elwase S'kedran
      • Hai Liu
      • Irrillia of Truskia
      • Kazthrinax
      • Kressarde
      • Malkir at Hurri
      • 'Mad' Melagius
      • Nameless Woman with Head Injury
      • Salathlax
      • Salhex
      • Squeaks
      • 'Tame' Turach
      • Vendrax
      • Zug
    • Foes
      • Adeshir
      • Jareliant
      • Rathiness
      • Yariel
    • Other
      • Candra s'Arabani
      • Darrrish
      • Kourush XXIII long handed
      • Rustram
      • The Seneschal
      • Tur at Varenth
      • Vethrax
      • Xildor Firestrike
      • Zenith

    This Post Will be Updated Periodically.
    Character Bio's To follow at a later date, one per post. Feel Free to post your own, folks.
    « Last Edit: 27 September 2010, 04:07:52 by Snakes in the Tiki Lounge » Logged
    Snakes in the Tiki Lounge
    Burton Delvers

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    « Reply #1 on: 09 March 2010, 03:27:26 »

    Compiling a List, checking it, well, several times.
    If you'd like to post a breif bio of a character, Keep it simple and short. Preferably a short bit detailing who they are, a few noteworthy events, and at most a small section on their current state and/or situation. As I work on this, I'll be linking the names in the first post to the individual posts about them, so if you do post a bit of Bio, either make sure you do it in a seperate thread, or I'll repost the info later in the thread, formatted to my liking.  Wink
    Or you can just wait and see what I put together first.

    Things I Currently Need;
    This list will be updated periodically.

    The Drow Ranger, who left a single boot
    2ic's name
    The name of the Drow Queen in the City beyond the Narrows.

    Anyone I have Forgotten or Omitted (Who rates having a name, or has had their name mentioned at some point).

    The name of Dat's Wizard
    The Other Hobgoblin Sergeant (Who died after trying the Rage-Drake)
    The names of the Time-displaced Naked Girls
    The name of the Bugbear King and Rapple's Lovely Wife
    The name of Yariel's Seneschal
    The names of the Other Riding-dwarves we met, namely the Prince and the Emperor
    The full name of the (long dead) Hobgoblin Warlord of Legend (Possibly Vethrax?)
    Oh, and the name of the Secedra that Candra gave to Izzlin, also.
    Also need the names of the three hobgoblins of rapple's Entourage. (Mad Mel, Tame whatsisface and the other one?)
    Clarification of Prince Adishirs name, would be nice. Added for now, and am asuming that the prince was the hostile, hot headed dwarf prince.
    Confirmation that the Hobgoblin Warlord who has periodically proved useful and is currently assisting at the Spire is named Vendrax
    The name of the Wizardly Drow who has so offended Stacey
    « Last Edit: 31 March 2010, 15:38:53 by Snakes in the Tiki Lounge » Logged
    Burton Delvers

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    Deranged Hermit

    « Reply #2 on: 11 March 2010, 13:52:53 »

    My wizard: Amorad
    Hobgoblin sergeant who died after eating rage drake: Zug
    legendary hobgoblin warlord: Vethrax
    My wife and father-in-law: Huh?

    'I don't NEED luck. I eat nuts.'
    Burton Delvers

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    Deranged Hermit

    « Reply #3 on: 19 March 2010, 19:44:57 »

    Ok, pretty sure Bugbear King is Salathlax. His daughter and my wife: Salhex. These names were as bolded and next to the other players names, so i think i'm right here.

    Hobgoblin Fighter 1: 'Mad' Melagius
    ''               ''       2: 'Tame' Turach
    Hobgoblin Cleric: Kazthrinax


    'I don't NEED luck. I eat nuts.'
    Burton Delvers

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    Deranged Hermit

    « Reply #4 on: 19 March 2010, 19:50:06 »

    I also have Rathness marked as 'a wizard'. The one who trapped the girls in timecicles? The one who sent us to the opulent Dwarfland? ..I cannot say.

    'I don't NEED luck. I eat nuts.'
    Snakes in the Tiki Lounge
    Burton Delvers

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    « Reply #5 on: 19 March 2010, 20:53:40 »

    I also have Rathness marked as 'a wizard'. The one who trapped the girls in timecicles? The one who sent us to the opulent Dwarfland? ..I cannot say.

    Either way, it's for the Foe section, I'd say. Smiley
    Great Old One

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    I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

    « Reply #6 on: 28 March 2010, 23:17:07 »

    The names of the Time-displaced Naked Girls

    1 Elwase S'kedran Paladin Of Correlion from a couple of generations after the founding of the S'kedra kingdom
    2 Kressarde Hobgoblin fighter of the Maiden Guard of Sevenathrax grandson of the origional warlord
    3 Irrillia of Truskia Blond haired medeteranian Bard & reputed lover of Rathiness's
    4 Namless a head injured woman of westen european apperiance who cant recall her name or class
    5 Malkir at Hurri Shaman of the Huge half ogre Huri of the northlands with a bear totem called Toki
    6 Hai LiU Human Sorceress redhaired asiatic woman with a pronounced respect for royalty  one of the Hann culture
    7 Elrili-Zalenil Shadakai enthusiast
    8 Princess Elian of Lydria Human princess of a culture conquered long since by the dwarves of the Dar en kadema
    9 Tur at Varenth Elf or Eldarin now deceased

    The names of the Other Riding-dwarves we met, namely the Prince and the Emperor

    The Great king of the Dar en Kadema dwarves is Kourush XXIII long handed
    The angry prince is Adeshir conqurer of the Helkani orks and would be conquer of THE LITCH YARIEL
    The crown prince is Darrrish
    The captain of the party's guard in the Great City was called Rustam

    The name of Yariel's Seneschal

    Has no name in general use but is either another lesser Litch or a death knight  and is known as the Seneschal

    Oh, and the name of the Secedra that Candra gave to Izzlin, also



    seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
    Burton Delvers

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    Deranged Hermit

    « Reply #7 on: 29 March 2010, 12:50:39 »

    Time for Tiki to update lists then!

    'I don't NEED luck. I eat nuts.'
    Snakes in the Tiki Lounge
    Burton Delvers

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    « Reply #8 on: 30 March 2010, 17:19:35 »

    Duly done. If anyone has any suggestions on the placement of NPC's in reguards to the three catagories, let me know. Otherwise, I have placed according to my own reading of the situations involved.

    I've also tidied up the 'Things I Need' section.
    Snakes in the Tiki Lounge
    Burton Delvers

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    « Reply #9 on: 30 March 2010, 17:36:46 »

    Miklos Zyndram
    Living Dead Swordsman

    A ragged husk of a man; Miklos is palid, frail looking and worn. His clothes were clearly very well made, colourful and expensive, once upon a time. However they have long since faded to dark, muddy greys and become threadbare. Likewise, he has the profile of a proud nobleman, but time and trial have long since taken their toll. His skin is pale, lifeless grey and his hair a ragged black mop. His grey eyes still have a sparkle of vibrant intelligence and drive, but it is deeply hidden.

    In short, he looks rather like something that has only recently been dug up.

    Doesn't say much, doesn't move much. Eats sparingly, drinks if needed. Cold, dispassionate and gently brutal manner. He performs his duties to the best of his ability and seems to have no problem with the taking orders. When at rest, he seems to all but stop entirely, coiling back inside himself. He approaches life in an ungainly way, sporadic bursts of energy between protracted periods of inaction. When he is drawn from his quiet, motionless existence by necessity or otherwise, he acts with an urgency and decisiveness quite at odds with his normal manner. He soon thereafter slinks back into his protective introspection, however.

    Coming Soon.
    Great Old One

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    I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

    « Reply #10 on: 31 March 2010, 05:53:59 »

    Confirmation that the Hobgoblin Warlord who has periodically proved useful and is currently assisting at the Spire is named Vendrax

    The Hobgoblin King is indeed called Vendrax

    The name of the Wizardly Drow who has so offended Stacey



    seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
    Snakes in the Tiki Lounge
    Burton Delvers

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    « Reply #11 on: 27 September 2010, 04:03:55 »

    Maltana s'Arabani
    Childlike Master Assassin

    Maltana is a slight, pretty Drow girl.Her eyes are a darkish grey and She wears muted colours; Subtle greys, purples and greens accented with black detail most oftenly when at rest. Whilst in civilized surroundings and dressed appropriately, she is not only presentable but quite capable of seeming both elegant and at ease. However, this is rare. Usually, she dresses simply in those same dark and subtle shades. Since events in the partially ruined Demon-City, she has a permenant semi-translucent appearance. 

    When at rest she is slightly prone to fidgeting and generally has a very innocent, childlike manner. She can often appear both blunt and dull-witted, but how often this is the case or a partially cultivated act, it is not always easy to tell. When she is focused on a task, she is suddenly incredibly still in herself, capable of focusing for extreme lengths of time on either numbingly repetitive, arduous  or otherwise difficult tasks, or even remaining motionless and silent for truly remarkable periods. Additionally, she has never been known to balk at an order, reguardless of the target, and is quite prepared to undertake tasks with little chance of survival.
    She almost always carries with her a small, simple mushroom-wood flute, but only ever seems to play it when almost entirely comfortable with her surroundings. Most commonly when alone with her Elder BrotherSister, Izzlin Dax. She frequently seems to be eager to make noise, chat and play but either incapable of, or unwilling to, when in other, less reassuring or less private situations.
    She is utterly dedicated to her task. She is very loyal to her house, but in particular and above all, to Izzlin, who is one of the few people she ever seems to be genuinely able to let her guard down around.
    Reguardless of this, she has retained an essentially inquisitive and adventurous nature.


    Maltana was conceived by Izzlin's mother long after her mind had gone. Robbed from her either by congenitive disease, poison or curse. She was sired by an unknown Drow male, in circumstances that haven't been discussed even amongst the majority of her house. As such, she would have been killed at birth in most houses, or at least disowned altogether.
    The Arabani could not acknoledge her as formally the daughter of Izzlin's Mother, but neither did they want to discard the child of one who was formerly a high ranking and respected member of the house. She was raised instead, and despite of her quirks and learning difficulties, as a useful minor member of the house. The processes involved in training her in the dark secrets of the Drow Assassin techniques involve a pronounced likelyhood of later sterility, which was seen as a blessing in disguise, due to the uncertain likelyhood of Maltana passing on whatever defects she had either received from her unknown father or from her by-then-degenerating Mother.

    She was at first a loud, playful and energetic child. Harsh training regimes and careful education curtailed some of these traits, as was perhaps necessary, but the occaisional brutality of it left her quite withdrawn. Of those around and involved, Izzlin Dax s'Arabani alone seemed inclined to be more leniant and understanding of the difficulties, which led to the two becoming quite close over the years. It is possible that Izzlin felt genuinely uncomfortable with the process and techniques being used. It is also possible that Izzlin merely forsaw that being perceived as more understanding would allow the promising young Assassin to attach to him, giving him a potential ally and resource in later years. The truth is likely somewhere between the two.

    She served for some time in the Drow Capitol, performing her duties admirably. However, her handlers increasingly became weary of dealing with her unconventional approach to situations and her at times tiring nature. So when the commander of Xendroth, Izzlin Dax s'Arabani requested some covert assistance, she was handed over gladly, despite being one of the most promising Assassins trained by the house in living memory.
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