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Author Topic: MidCon 2014  (Read 2897 times) Average Rating: 0
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Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203

« on: 14 November 2014, 15:33:38 »

A cracking weekend – the rain howled down at times, but we loaded and unloaded without serious sogginess. There were 200 participants, even more than last year, yet the beer just held out to the end, a triumph of organisation and planning. We did quite well at guessing what people would want to buy, though way short of 100%; Splendor did predictably well, Sierra Madre's Greenland came a good second, but the clear favourite was The Castles of Mad King Ludwig. A surprise was that Pandemic and its add-ons went better than the new non co-operative Contagion, which has gone well in the shop. We only sold a couple of the rather fine Steam Donkey, but that was mainly because the carrier lost it and we only had it for Sunday, which is always quieter with the more distant attendees heading off early. New Dawn and the just-returned Star Realms were not pounced upon as keenly as expected, but will certainly sell through the shop; Village Port, the latest expansion for Village, did sell well and was immediately tried out by some of our regulars, to universal (can that be applied to four people?) acclaim.

As usual several of the hard-core Midconners had been to Essen and were proudly displaying their wares, especially the sought-after Kanban (about to arrive here, but not quite in time for the show). We did import a few copies of Panamax, also held in high esteem – again, several people had already brought some over from Germany themselves. Imperial Settlers is another game of the moment which sold modestly, the brand new Power Grid Deluxe was also spotted and bought. A surprise was that we only sold one copy of Hyberborea, offset by the pleasant surprise of selling two copies of Mice and Mystics, having a deserved revival after a quiet patch. Of course, we sold a couple of copies of Camel Up, and having found someone who had somehow survived without a copy of Awful Green Things, we put that right too.

Of the smaller games, Coup is also experiencing a revival, aided by Coup: Reformation arriving for Midcon – this expands the number of players to 10, most usefully. Buccaneer Bones went well, Port Royal even better, but I only sold one Council of Verona – to which I am quite partial – and no Cypher, which is predicted to grab a share of the Love Letter market. Top two-player game was Mijnlieff, it is just so easy to demo and few people who have played it leave without a copy.

Thanks go to the organisers, a splendid bunch of individuals, and also to Paul and Carole whose help on Friday evening and Sunday afternoon made all the difference. Next major event is their own Raiders of the Games Cupboard on Saturday 3rd January...

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
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