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Author Topic: Star Trek III  (Read 2899 times)
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139

"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 23 September 2014, 21:00:34 »

So was really looking forward to Star Trek III then this happened:

Quote from: @TotalFilm
Could William Shatner beam in for Star Trek 3? It's looking likely:— Total Film (@totalfilm) September 23, 2014

Quote from: @Oridyne
@totalfilm "Could William Shatner beam in for Star Trek 3?" Hell no! The films need own identity, Old guard have had their day. Disappointed— Paul Roberts (@Oridyne) September 23, 2014

Look don't get me wrong I like the original Trek crew and William Shatner's Kirk but ENOUGH already.
We've had the handover/origins story, the reworking of a classic Enemy now can we just get on with developing this excellent ensemble of acting talent. Shall we let them fly the nest on their own and forge some new and exciting moments of their own not tarnished with fawning over the past...

Sheeesh, for once can the film industry just do something original and take a risk already. I love Star Trek and I want it to keep coming back with new innovative ideas. This (hate the word) Reboot was one of the better ones, with a few niggly exceptions that I am prepared to gloss over. Such a great start should not be ruined by further muddying of the clear waters ahead, take your great clean slate and lets start chalking up some fantastic new stories as they begin their "5 year mission to Boldly go where no man has been before" the clue people is in this classic line "WHERE NO MAN HAS BEEN BEFORE".

If the cameo or full part happens I'm out..


<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>

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