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Author Topic: WFRP Game  (Read 3907 times)
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« on: 26 February 2010, 10:55:40 »

Adam and James have asked if I would run some WFRP games in the near future, so I thought I would flag it now to see if anyone else wanted to go after Adam's OHMAS games finish?

If not I have some games ready to go.

WFRP is a nice, simple, high fantasy setting. Easy to get into and with bags of background and atmosphere.

I will be using the 2nd edition rules.

The game I have in mind to start with will begin with starting characters in the city of Middenhiem, a city recently besieged by war, in a land savaged by the forces of Chaos. As the party initially eek out an existance in their respective careers as the city struggles to rebuild and re-assert the Emporor's control on the surrounding lands which are still beset by the remnants of the enemy's forces, they will be drawn out of the shaddows and into the hard world of action and adventure.

I have some part pre-gens, or am happy to let people have their pick of the race and career type they would like to play.

The only stipulation is that this is the begining of the character's adventures, and they start from relative obscurity, so players who say "I want a human knight" , "or an Elf Wizard" may start with a human lesser noble or squire, or an Elf student who can then become a knight or wizard as they progress.

Please feel free to post or email me with any ideas.


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« Reply #1 on: 02 March 2010, 19:10:41 »

Auntie Lu

Veronia Miralu known simply by the farmer and herder communities (what’s left of them) around Middenhiem as Auntie Lu. She is a travelling mid-wife and healer of both humans and animals who once went from farmstead to farmstead exchanging her care services for food, shelter and occasionally money.

It is hard to tell exactly how old she is, her skin is tanned, very wrinkly and weather beaten. She is short and rounded and walks with staff and a slight stoop, could be because of the pack she carries. She has piercing grey/blue eyes shining out from under a grubby brown cloak that feel like they stare right into your soul and root out your intimate fears and secrets. Her face is framed beneath the cloak hood with dirty silver-grey straggly hair. She will most probably be seen either with pipe in mouth, which is good as it hides the brown wooden false teeth, or grinning and cackling.

Moving around involves sidling along, walking staff in hand, with a pack on her back invariably containing pot's pans and a bundle of firewood. Adelmo (or Mo for short) is the small rat terrier which will be found at her feet at all times sniffing about, and is occasionally seen with a crow on her shoulder called Guapo (or apo or short). Her presence can normally be felt (or smelt) by the strange waft, of possibly turpentine mixed with other "aromatic" undertones, possibly herbs.

As the party stops for the night she will, without any words or hesitation, set the fire, put the kettle on, and be preparing food for whoever is there. Her cooking is wholesome and nourishing, if somewhat plain, and she seems to have the ability to use whatever is at hand. After food, again without a word will, clean up and wander off to set snares, gather the next nights firewood and collect plants/herbs/roots for various uses, including tonics and ointments.

Eventually of an evening she will settle down by the fire, pipe in mouth and dog in lap, pulping or preparing the foraging spoils or mending and healing wounds. Will occasionally consult the tea leaves, rolled bones, star gaze or be muttering under her breath what sound like prayers.
« Last Edit: 14 April 2010, 12:22:44 by Deebee » Logged

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« Reply #2 on: 04 March 2010, 10:53:51 »

OK, so we have the following characters so far:

A human hard man/thug with a bad attitude (Ian)
A human peasant from the country who has a strange air about them (Dave)
A human woodsman/gypsy type (James)
A dwarf protagonist (Adam)
A human barbour-surgeon (Lea)
An elf ranger (John)

I can almost feel the seething racism and prejudice!
« Last Edit: 31 March 2010, 18:54:24 by Ross » Logged
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