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  • Raiders of the Game Cupboard XXVIII: 27 September 2014
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Author Topic: Raiders of the Game Cupboard XXVIII  (Read 5328 times)
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Deep One

Karma: 37
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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139

"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 12 July 2014, 23:27:32 »

So the 28th Raiders of the Game Cupboard will be our first event held in the new Hall and we are all excited about it. It's a bright new chapter in Raiders of the Game Cupboard history and I hope this helps us continue to provide a fun day out for everyone.

I look forward, as I always do, to catching up with old friends and meeting new ones.

See you all for our next event.
The Committee

Below is the details for our next event and at the end of this newsletter are the dates for the 2015 Events for your Diaries.
You can sign up for this event either here or on Google+

The Twenty Eighth Board Game & RPG Event.

Saturday, Sept 27th 2014, 10:00 am till 8:00 pm

A full day of gaming with plenty for everyone. New players are always welcome and the organisers are on hand to assist you in finding a game. To find us we are the ones with Name Badges and the Raiders T-Shirts or hover near the Ticket Desk.

A wide variety of games are usually played at this event including Boardgames, Roleplaying Games, Card Games, Miniature Games and a host of others.
There is usually a good mix of new and old games on offer with most attendees bringing some of their own collection, though Spirit Games has a Games Library available that they kindly let us use.

The venue is a good sized hall large enough to accommodate many gaming tables.

Please let us know at any of the links below if you are running or want to play a specific Game and we`ll add it to this write up.
Main Locations:
Raiders of the Games Cupboard - Games & Players area on the Forum
Google+ Events Page

We also post the event details on these sites:
Boardgamegeek Guild
East Midlands RPG Group
West Midlands RPG Group
Spirit Games

If you have ideas for the day let us know.

Sign in Desk for all games
Tea & Coffee Provided

The Address for the Event is:
Waterside Community Centre
Heath Road
Burton on Trent
DE15 9LF

Event Fee: £3.00 (Accompanied Children under 16 Free)

Please note that whilst people leave their games out during the day it is only common courtesy to ask the owners if you can borrow a particular game. If you are not sure who owns it ask the organisers or ask for what is available from the Spirit Games Library

Whilst children our welcome attendees younger than 18 should be accompanied by a responsible parent or guardian.

None of the organisers are insured, qualified, certified or trained to be responsible for minors please bear this in mind when you plan your visit to the event.

Many Thanks..

Further Details:

Future Dates for your Diary:
Day XXIX   3rd Jan 2015
Day XXX   28th Mar 2015
Day XXXI   27th Jun 2015
Day XXXII   26th Sept 2015

If you wish to be informed of Dates for the next event and general news about Raiders of the Game Cupboard then please sign up for our Newsletter

Opening Times for All Events
10am until 8pm


<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>

Deep One

Karma: 37
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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139

"One who cares is one who listens."

« Reply #1 on: 15 September 2014, 22:18:35 »

Newsletter emailed tonight, sorry for the delay this time but I'll try and get back to emailing these about a month before each Raiders.

I also need to apologise for a small error in the newsletter, due to an unfortunate cut & paste incident it mentions a DCC event to be run by Bruce - this was for Last Raiders no organised events for this Raiders as of yet. Sorry about that I shall put myself at the back of the class in the Dunce cap Sad

Anyway look forward to seeing you all there and getting to try out the new venue!


<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>

Deep One

Karma: 37
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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139

"One who cares is one who listens."

« Reply #2 on: 07 October 2014, 00:17:48 »

So we made the trip across the River into our new gaming home:

I have to say I was worried that the move would have a real adverse effect on our event but in the end everyone seemed really pleased with the new venue and I had lots of people coming up to me to talk about how much they liked the new space. There was more positive vibes then ever before and I think this bodes extremely well for the future of our event.

Setup for us was a dream as we no longer have to lug tables and chairs up a narrow staircase, with the added bonus of having everyone in one room making things a lot more sociable. The hall was light and airy with plenty of room for all the gamers to move around without bumping chairs, always a good thing Wink

We have a few lessons to learn, we still need to work on how best to lay out the tables for access to all of the facilities whilst leaving suitable aisles for people to get around easily but that will all come with time.

I did feel a bit like an expectant father for the first few hours but soon settled down for some gaming trying Sons of Anarchy and Greed after getting to play another game of Yunnan. I'm sure I played another game but the old grey cells fail me now & again  Dont Know  Coffee

I enjoyed the game of Sons of Anarchy but it would not normally be my choice of game, I would probably try it again now I know a bit more of what I am doing but not one I would go out of my way to play. Greed was very interesting, fun and extremely quick to play though I was truly awful at it this first game. I would definitely be up for another go to see if I could manage a better standing second time around. Yunnan I am liking more and more each play as there is a lot of things to keep an eye on with some meaningful strategic choices to be made each turn, I always have fun playing this and try different tactics I have yet to win, but as I own it I probably never will else the universe may suffer  Dont Know  Grin

There were plenty of games being played throughout the day, with several games of Lords of Waterdeep in evidence here is a picture of one of them:

We had a good crop of new people along with some of the usual suspects, which is always good especially given our change of venue.

Well I have probably rambled enough now but I would just like to extend a HUGE thanks from all of the committee to everyone who attended the event this time. Whilst the committee put a lot of time and effort in to keep this ship afloat it would all be for 'nowt if we did not have people wanting to come to play games and have fun.



<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>

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