This components of this game are of excellent quality, the artwork on the cards and the board are very good.
Whilst the game plays alright with 2 players, I think it will be a much more interactive experience with 3 or 4.
Each player is running a company of agents trying to collect Crystals and relics from a mine.
The games is played over 5 rounds (with a corresponding level in the mine depicted on the board), each round consists of a set series of actions.
You start by bidding for turn order, this is done by using crystals from your hombase. The highest bidder selects where to go in the next level down in the mine, followed by each other player in order of bids, taking the items depicted in that square. Each player then selects a team member from their hand of cards and places it face down in front of them. Once everyone has placed a card down it is revealed, this is then repeated till each player has 3 members of their squad.
Each agent has a number used for initiative which is added together to provide a team initiative, starting with the highest team going down they either raid another players homebase, sell goods to the bank or transport goods to their home where they are safe.
At the end of the action your team is discarded and you build your hand back up to 6. You have two decks of cards, one for transporters and another for fighters you draw from either.
The game plays really quickly and the rules for the basic game are quite easy to pick up and there are variants listed at the back of the rules to add a bit more complexity and variety into the game. There is also a set of 11 special cards which can be used with these variants.
I liked the 2 player game of this, but look forward to trying this with more players as I can see this will have a lot of interaction.
Good little game which will provide enough of a challenge for experienced gamers.