A city of mysteries, secrets, and dark histories, Ptolus lies forever in the shadow of a towering stone spire reaching impossibly high into the sky, itself an enigma and a reminder of evil long past. Ptolus is a place where the supernatural is expected, and treachery lies around every corner?or is it that the supernatural lies around every corner and treachery is expected? Either way, Ptolus is a city of danger, magic, intrigue, and above all: adventure.
A party has been experiencing an adventure in Ptolus for a few months now - they've been a little sporadic, but despite this the party are now at 4th Level. The meet is usually held at Findern at Jim's house - and usually there is food provided (chilli, stew, baked spuds and the usual array of snacks).
The party has consisted of a motley crew - including Lothian cleric, a psychotic killer, a stern barbarian, strong-lunged dwarven bard and an elven ranger, plus a local who tags along and likes wearing black clothes, not to mention a sturdy dwarven tough who enjoys hitting things.
Adventurers in Ptolus are more commonly known as Delvers. There is an interesting bunch exploring the locale right now...